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He put pressure on his arms and my body molded to his, leaving no space between us. I lifted my leg and wrapped it around his thigh, sliding my leg between his.

"Yes," he whispered, and rested his forehead against the top of my head, pressing his cheek into my hair. "I've seen ghosts before. After the twins' parents died, they got me drunk and convinced me to participate in a séance with them." He sucked in a sharp breath and his body shuddered beneath me.

"It was awful, Ariel. I don't remember much from that night, but I remember that. What we saw wasn’t the twins' parents, but someone else entirely. And that wasn't the first time I'd seen a ghost but just the most recent one."

That must have been awful for the twins, even if they didn't get to see their parents. And just maybe I could convince them to try it with me, and we could try and contact my mother. Even dead I'd like to just have one conversation with her.

Tyson gave me a squeeze. "I know what you're thinking, and I want you to stop thinking it right now. You don't mess with the dead. You leave them be. The ones that haven't moved on, they aren't good people and stuck around for a reason. And not a good reason either. Please, stay away from any thoughts of contacting the dead, and please don't think about dragging the twins into it. They can't get involved in anything like that, it'll do more damage than good. They were practically comatose for a fucking month after the first time around."

My poor boys.

They'd gone through so many horrible things and they didn't often share the stories with me. I thought because they knew about all the trauma I'd already lived through in my life they didn't want to burden me with stories of their own. They didn't need to bother. My pain had only served to make me stronger. Yes, sometimes I could be quite the coward and I openly admitted to often being afraid of the dark, but taking someone else's emotional baggage was something I could take on with no problem. Especially when that someone was someone I cared about.

"Damn," I whispered. "It would have been nice."

I felt his lips brush across my hair in a sweet kiss. "I know, girl, I know. But you don’t want to see your mother like that. Hell, you don't even want to think of her being like that. Let us hope that after death she moved on and went to wherever it was she was supposed to go."

I could see why he thought this was a good idea. Totally.

"Tyson," I called softly.


"Do you really think we should be sleeping out here? I mean... it's kind of..."Don't say creepy."Open."

There. That was better.

"Yeah," he whispered back without hesitation. "I think this is exactly where we should be right now. Something big is coming, I can feel it. But for now, while we wait for whatever it is to get here, we need to spend time with each other and enjoy every little moment. This is us enjoying it. Relax. Sleep. I'm not going to let anything happen to you. I'll even fight off the ghosts if I have to."

Guilt threatened to consume me while I lay frozen in his embrace. He was right, of course, something bigwascoming and I knew all about it. I wasn't surprised that he could feel it. They probably all felt something coming but just didn't know what it was.

As much as I wanted to confess everything to him, I would not. Tyson would insist on going with me and he'd put himself in danger in order to protect me. I couldn't allow that.

He must have sensed some of my emotions, because he replied in a hushed voice, "Everything will be okay, Ariel. I promise."

That only made me feel even worse for keeping secrets.

Tyson's hand left my hip and moved up to my face. His fingers tapped me under my chin and tipped my head up toward his. He was already looking down at me, waiting.

"I think you need a distraction," he told me with a cocky grin. "Something to take your mind off of ghosts and all the other bullshit that's clogging your mind and making it so you're unable to settle and sleep."

Yeah, I didn't see that happening. And I wished he'd stop talking about ghosts like he thought they were right there with us, watching from the shadows.

My hands slid up his stomach to rest on his chest. "Tyson," I whispered. "Maybe we should just go ho—"

Before I could get the second half of the word “home” out, he was on me, pushing me onto my back and laying me flat on the blanket. He covered me with his body, chest to chest. Hips to hips. My legs parted for him slightly and he pushed his thigh into the space I opened up for him. His fingers at my chin slid back and up. They pulled my hair back from my face.

He held me in place as his mouth came down on mine. He kissed me with urgency, and I knew that whatever came of this it would be fast, and as his tongue took ownership of my mouth, I knew I would enjoy it no matter what.

His hand on my hip slid up and slipped underneath my hoodie and my shirt. I shivered at the first touch of his fingers against the skin of my bare stomach. Feeling someone else's skin against mine in a non-violent manner never got old. I craved it and I craved more. Always more.

He kept kissing me as his hand slid up my stomach, stopping just below my bra. I lifted my leg and wrapped it around his hip, wrapping him up tight and holding him to me.

I had been wrong, Tyson definitely knew how to distract me from all the bullshit clogging up my head.

He broke the kiss and his mouth moved to my neck, his tongue ran down the column of my throat and his bottom teeth scraped over my pulse point, sending a delicious shiver through me.

"If I take off your clothes are you going to freak out because a ghost might see one of your tits and get a phantom hard-on?" Tyson murmured against my skin between pressing kisses against my overheated body.
