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She was incredibly short but wide in a way where she wasn't what you'd consider big or fat, but simply luscious and voluptuous. I envied her for her curves because I was naturally thin in a way I knew there'd never be curves like that for me. Never in my life.

Rachel's dress was the mirror image of Annabell's, except it was blood red instead of white.

Both women were barefoot.

They stopped at the foot of the steps, patiently waiting for our approach.

I wanted to reach out and take hold of Raven's hand, offer him any form of comfort I could. That was what a friend would do, right?

I did no such thing.

Neither one of us could afford to show such weakness in front of the vultures. We'd end up eaten alive and shredded to pieces.

Annabell finally looked up at me. The look in her dead eyes stirred uneasiness in my gut. Rachel didn't even bother looking at me at all. She only had eyes for my companions. No surprise there.

"Adrian has instructed us to show you to the room he's had set up for you," Annabell spoke in a voice that matched her eyes. "He wants you to get settled in and washed up. Dinner will be sent to your room because he doesn’t want to overwhelm you with all the people who are here to see you. Then, around midnight, you will be sent for, and there's a ceremony you'll need to participate in. There'll be an outfit set aside in your room for you to wear. Something Adrian has personally picked out for you and deemed appropriate for your attire. Now," she stepped aside and with jerky movements, waved her arm up toward the stairs, "please come along and we will show you to your room."

Honestly, I had no desire to go anywhere with her, but for once I didn't think she had it out for me. She looked like she didn't really feel much of anything. So much so I wondered if she was on drugs.

I wouldnotfeel sorry for her.

Rachel whipped her head to the side, her long hair flying out all around her, and she glared dangerously at Annabell.

Eyes blazing, she snapped, "You didn't need to share all of that with her. Adrian told you to take her up to her room and that someone else would be along to fill her in. That someone wasn't meant to beyou."

Apparently in her time with the Council, Rachel had not taken it upon herself to become BFFs with the only other female—that we knew of—here. And given the fact they both seemed like they were assholes, thus they had a good deal in common, I had wrongly assumed they would have been instant bosom buddies.

I would find out just how wrong I was in thinking that.

Annabell turned on Rachel, and the good half of her face morphed into an angry snarl. Finally some emotions. Right on time.

Annabell raised her hand and lashed out. The palm of her hand cracked loudly against Rachel's cheek. Rachel cried out and stumbled back several steps. She raised her hand to her injured cheek, cupping it protectively. Her big baby blues welled with tears and her bottom lip quivered pathetically.

Pathetic indeed if all it took to make the lady cry was one little smack to the face from another woman.

Rachel's voice trembled when she whispered, "You're going to pay for that, you ungrateful brat. Mark my words, you're gonna pay for it."

The corner of Annabell's mouth, the good side, curled up into a half sneer. "You're notgonnado shit to me and we both know it. So why don't you shut your stupid mouth, turn around, and walk your fat ass back up the stairs. Go sit on some cock and tattle on me to that fat man who owns you. You're not needed here."

Rachel gasped in shock while still covering her now red cheek. Her eyes swung toward us, seeking either assistance or a protector. She found neither. I didn't need to look at the others to know they offered her no help whatsoever.

She turned on her bare feet, lifted her dress with her free hand, bunching it tighter in her fist, and fled up the stairs she had so recently come down. She raced across the balcony, her bare feet slapping loudly against the wood. She stopped in front of a door, released her hold on her dress, and wrenched open the door. She disappeared inside and the door slammed shut behind her.

Annabell's head had twisted around as far as it could go and was tipped back so she could watch Rachel's departure.

"Friendly welcome," I joked, and her head whipped back around so fast it looked like she might have given herself a severe case of whiplash.

Never did I dream there'd come a day where I'd find myself standing around joking with Annabell.

Color me surprised.

"I don't like you, Ariel Kimber. I'm not ever going to like you. But I'm not going to be a bitch to you anymore."

I crossed my arms over my chest, cocked my head to the side, and studied her carefully. She appeared sincere enough, but that was by no means trustworthy. She had proved time and time again that she was a liar, a cheat, and an incredibly deceitful person.

Beside me, Liam snorted.

Annabell didn't so much as spare him a glance. "Everyone knows why you are here. You've decided to join the Council's ranks as the first female to ever do so. You're proof that there's hope for the few of us who are out there. This is big, not just for you, but for the entire female population. For that reason I'll no longer be your enemy. This puts us on the same side, the same team even."

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