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She was right, but she was also grossly wrong.

No way would we ever be on the same damn team.

"Which room is hers?" Raven demanded to know.

"Fifth door down on the upper level. Door’s unlocked."

"We can take it from here," Raven assured Annabell in a voice that told her to keep her mouth shut and not to argue with him. "I think you've done enough."

Annabell ignored him completely and her eyes never left mine. "You better do right by the rest of us," she said in a snotty voice.

I sighed but managed to refrain from telling her off. Normally, I would care about all these women out there, but this wasn't about that. I was a girl on a mission and finding what I came here for was the only thing that mattered to me.

I didn't care if this made me a terrible person. Later, after, I could care then.

* * *

The door shut softly with a click and I felt myself relaxing, falsely believing I was alone.

"Don't you dare take that shit on your shoulders," Raven murmured in that gentle voice of his, and I whipped around to face him, my heart beating erratically.

I placed my hand over my chest in an attempt to settle my poor heart down. "What are you doing in here? I thought you went to your own room with Liam."

He crossed his arms over his broad chest and gave me a rather stern look I'd seen aimed in my direction before by a different man who was a whole lot better at it.

"That shit she laid on you down there," he said, "do not take that weight on your shoulders. She is a nasty bitch, this we both know, so you'll believe me when I tell you she had no business laying that on you. You take care of what you came here to do, then you get yourself safe. You don't do it thinking you need to save every last female witch out there simply because you'rehere.That is not your responsibility and I don't want you to think about anything that came out of that bitch’s mouth."

I stared at him in surprise before asking, "Why do you even care?"

"Don't play dumb with me," he replied. Then he turned his back on me and opened the door. "Lock up after me. Not that it'll do you any good in this horrid place."

The door closed quietly behind him and I immediately moved to lock it up. I feared he was right, though, and locking the flimsy lock on the knob wouldn't mean crap. Even I could kick this door in, not to mention anyone with a credit card or an ID could easily pop the lock. Whatever happened to the original deadbolt and chain that would usually come with a motel room? Nothing about this place was normal.

I picked up my duffel, dragged it through the sitting room I had zero use for, and into the bedroom. I plopped it down onto the queen-sized bed and dug around inside of it. I found my cell phone and pulled it out. I powered it on and waited.

Zero phone calls, which was completely understandable given the circumstances, but it still hurt my heart to see. Thankfully there were text messages so I didn't feel so alone.

Rain:Is this a joke? There better be a damn good explanation for this.

Quinton:North. We'll be waiting.

Rain:If you don't come back, I'm going to be forced to do something drastic to one of your boyfriends.

Immediately I replied.

Ariel to Quinton:North, got it. Something going down at midnight. Some ceremony I'm supposed to participate in. After that I'll slip away and start searching.

Ariel to Rain:Be nice, old man.

Ariel to Rain:And no joke. It's something I have to do. Quinton is on board, that should be enough for you.

Quinton:Be safe. Love you.

Ariel to Quinton:I'll do my best. Love you too.

I pulled up Julian's name and sent out a quick text to him.

Ariel:At midnight I'm going to need you to wipe my phone. I'm not sure what's going to happen but I don't want to risk it.
