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I wondered who actually owned this land now and if I could get away with it. Rain would know and he’d help me. He’d totally get it and wouldn’t make me explain myself.

I left the hole behind with a new plan in mind and crossed the clearing. I stepped into the woods, and the little hairs on the back of my neck stood up straight. I felt eyes on me, and I whipped around.

I scanned the clearing, but there was no one there. That feeling of having eyes on me didn’t go away though. If anything, it only got worse.

I didn’t know why I thought it was a good idea to come out here by myself in the middle of the night with no one knowing I was here. It had been a terrible idea, and I was an idiot for going through with it.

Something struck me on the back of my head and my legs went out from under me. I landed face first on the ground.

Something stung my forehead, and I felt my skin split open.

I rolled over onto my side and clutched the back of my head. It felt wet, and I pulled my hand away. I held it out in front of my face.


My hand was covered in my blood.

“You stupid fucking idiot girl.

That voice sent true terror through my body. I had heard that voice before. Deep down in that hole. This one liked to touch me in places I hadn’t wanted him to touch me, and no other woman would have either.

“You should have run far, far away once you got out and you should have never got back here. You won’t get away so easily this time. And, luckily for me, I get you all to myself.”

I opened my mouth to scream, but nothing came out as a tree branch came out of nowhere and nailed me right on the temple.

Pain exploded in my head, and it was lights out for me.

I was back in the arms of one of the monsters from my living nightmare, and there wasn’t a damn thing I could do to stop it.
