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Every mile she drove away from home, the more relaxed she became. The stress she’d carried with her for weeks ebbed away, allowing room for freedom and deep breaths. It had been a whim of a suggestion weeks ago that she’d made to Lila, but Ann hadn’t realized then just how much she really needed the break.

It wasn’t until she’d started all the planning that she truly understood how much she needed to get away to refocus her mind and her energy, just how much she needed the one-on-one time with Lila without having to worry about Heidi. Sure, she was still going to worry about Heidi, but at least they had some physical distance between them to help with that.

For the last few weeks, she’d tried to encourage Heidi to plan something fun while she was gone, to spend some time and money on herself, maybe even go on a date. Heidi had seemed so resistant to it all, though, and eventually Ann had given up trying.

Lila sat next to her in the passenger seat of her car, staring out the window as the sun set outside. They hadn’t been able to leave until Lila was off work that day, so most of their drive would be in the dark. It just meant Ann would wait until they headed home in two days to soak in the drive through the high plains.

She’d lived in other places, but she’d found her home here. She loved the wide-open skies with white streaks from planes above, the sunsets and sunrises she usually managed to catch that painted the sky and clouds in ways she’d never seen. This was home, and she didn’t want to live anywhere else. If she truly thought about it, Heidi was also her home. Heidi was what centered her world and rooted her to everything she cared about. She needed Heidi.

Lila sighed next to her. “It’s so pretty out here.”

“I was just thinking that.” Reaching over, Ann gripped Lila’s hand and squeezed. “Beautiful like the woman sitting next to me.”

Lila’s cheeks flushed. “Nice compliment there.”

“I try.” Ann winked. “I wish we’d been able to leave a little earlier so we could enjoy the sunset more, but we’ll have to enjoy it on the way home.”

“Very true. We can sit outside tomorrow night too and watch it if you want. I saw this place has a wraparound porch.”

“It does. We could bring out wine and enjoy it.”

“And each other.” Lila winked, her lips quirking upward.

Ann planned on enjoying Lila as much as humanly possibly during the two days they had. She didn’t want to let any of that time go to waste. It had been a relatively big ask for her from Heidi, and they both knew it. She was going to make the most of every second.

Turning down the dirt road off the highway, Ann drove the last few miles toIndigo B&B. As soon as she rounded the top ridge and the final curve in the long drive, Lila drew in an astonished breath. Ann barely held back her gasp. This place was amazing. The house was white and stood proud against the plains. Trees surrounded it, but quickly dissipated as the fields of wheat and pasture took over.

The house sat above the huge red barn, a steep hill between the two of them. Ann could see where trails led from the house out in the surrounding areas. She remembered something about hiking trails from the house, but hadn’t paid too much attention. The last thing she wanted to do was go on a long hike.

“This house is huge,” Lila muttered.

“It really is. It looks like they’re building something in the back.”

“I saw something on the website about planning for weddings in the summer.”

“Must be a gazebo or something then.”

“Probably. I can’t believe you found this place.”

“Me either.” Murmuring, Ann pulled up to the porch and parked the car. “You ready?”


Ann sat on the edge of the queen-sized bed as Lila flopped onto the other side of it.Indigowas as beautiful as the pictures had made it out to be. She stretched her back from the long drive, easing the tension in her muscles. It had been a long two weeks since she’d floated the idea to Lila, but it had been worth it.

Heidi had seemed to withdraw after the conversation, but she still showed up for their random weekly lunches at the hospital, more and more frequently. Two nights was all she’d managed to snag, and even being miles away from home, her thoughts were occupied by Heidi and what she was doing or thinking or feeling.

Ann moved to toe off her shoes and lie fully on the bed. Lila slid in to snuggle against her, her body curving into Ann’s side as Ann stared across the room at the updated farmhouse decor.

“What are you thinking?” Lila asked quietly.

“That I really needed this. Thank you for coming with me.”

Lila grinned, leaning in and kissing Ann’s lips lightly. “I think it’ll be a fun adventure for the both of us. We’ve never spent more than half a day together.”

“True.” Ann shifted her focus as best as she could to Lila, pushing Heidi and the troubles in their relationship from her mind. It wasn’t the easiest task in the world, but being farther from home, being in a new place where she only had Lila, certainly helped. “Want to break in the bed?”
