Page 15 of Sailing Away Plans

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Chapter Six

Determined to spare her the torture of any more embarrassing questions, Steve concentrated on his dinner. Obviously, Lillian had chosen celibacy over sleeping with men who didn’t measure up to her late husband. Would he? Time would tell.

Right now, he’d learned an important lesson from their truth or dare game, with only truth for the moment. After such long fasting, he’d better treat her with extreme care if he didn’t want to move into thepassionate farewellcategory.

“I wish I could see pictures of your boat,” she said, shutting the door on unwelcome reminiscing.

“Easily done.” He pulled out his phone and clicked on his pictures. “Here.”

“Oh my! She’s gorgeous. Quite big.”

“Yeah, a forty-eight footer. A beauty and so smooth.” Exactly what he needed to forget his loneliness.

“Can you sail to neighboring islands?”

“Sure. I’ve already taken her to St. Thomas which is only twenty minutes away. It was a learning experience for me. Next, I plan to sail to Tortola. It would take an hour and half.”

“That is so exciting.” She offered him a brilliant smile, and he delighted in her enthusiasm. “When you come to visit, we’ll explore the neighboring islands together.”

“Wow, I would love that.”

“Let’s have our next dinner at my place. I’ll use the big screen TV to show you the pictures I’ve taken. You’ll get a better idea of what the boat looks like, and I’ll be able to show you the place I’ve purchased for the clinic—”

“You’ve already bought it?” She jerked forward.

“Didn’t I mention that I’d found a warehouse and I’m having it refurbished into a clinic and lab?”

“Geez, you only said you had your eyes on the warehouse. You never talked about a done deal.” Reproach stormed from her gleaming eyes. He forgot himself admiring them.

“Yes, I know. I wasn’t ready to divulge all the details to the staff and receive an earful from Heidi.”

Lillian couldn’t help chuckling. “She’s quite upset about youabandoning ship.”

“I’m not abandoning anyone for heaven’s sake. Just shifting directions.” He bristled with irritation and threw up his hands. “Don’t we have the right to follow the path that best suits us?”

“Yes, of course.”

“Lillian,” he grabbed her hand and caught her eyes, “years ago, we celebrated my grand-father’s ninety-fifth birthday with a huge party. The old man made us all play a game—adults and kids. He held a sheet of paper with the wordplanson it, and we pulled a card from a box. Mine read,Sail Away.”

“Did it become your dream?”

“Not at the time, but later. From the moment I set foot on the island of St. John, I knew I wanted to live there and sail in the Caribbean.” He squeezed her hand. “I count on you to keep our conversations private. Not a word to the others about my plans—plans that I haven’t shared with anyone, family, friends, or colleagues.”

“Why the secrecy?”

He snorted. “Because each one of them will feel obligated to try to dissuade me and keep me locked in the Cincinnati clinic, the house, and this life. Can I count on your promise?” He squeezed her hand.

“I won’t say a word if that’s what you want.”

“Thank you. Eventually, when I’m ready, I’ll make a formal announcement.”

Dismay darkened her face. Biting her lip, she eased her hand out of his and averted her gaze.

Something had disturbed her. Watching her silently, he tried to guess her thoughts. Was it the promise he’d just extracted from her? Or himabandoningship as she’d said? He remembered her eyes shining with suppressed tears during the staff meeting. He should think of a solution.

“Steve, if you’re done with dinner, can we go?” Her brisk tone alerted him that her mood had soured.

“Right away.” He called the waiter and paid the bill.
