Page 18 of Sailing Away Plans

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Chapter Seven

Torn between regret and relief, Lillian watched Steve’s car drive away and turn at the intersection. She’d come close to asking him to stay. He was such a wonderful man, handsome, generous, and considerate. She’d glimpsed her own desire mirrored in his eyes and wanted to whisper, “No need to walk on eggshells around me.”

They were not kids anymore, and he would be leaving in less than three weeks. Why waste time?

But she couldn’t.

She’d been in love with him forever. He had just discovered her. Maybe he needed to adjust to her new persona and court her in his own way. She wanted to punch herself for betraying her worries and weeping like a teenager.

Less than three weeks left... They should make the most out of every date and every hour, create special memories, and transform their three weeks into an unforgettable heaven. Heidi’s advice and her Italian grandmother’s words of wisdom played in Lillian’s mind again.A smart woman keeps her man with a good table and good bed.

She’d offered him a good table. Should she lead him to her bed, which was not exactly the most comfortable one on earth?

Exasperated by her crazy thoughts, she dropped the curtains she’d held apart and returned to tidy the kitchen. Just as she’d rinsed the last plate, her phone rang.

She grabbed it, delighted to chat with Steve a bit longer.

“Hi Mom.” Her son’s smiling face filled the screen.

“Greg, what a nice surprise.”

Three years ago, she’d scolded him for ignoring his mother two or three weeks in a row. Since then, he called regularly on Sunday at two p.m. She was sure he set his alarm to remind him of the weekly five-minute duty-call to his mom.

Why was he calling at nine p.m. on a Friday?

“Mom, I have news for you.”

Her heart sank. “What news?” she mumbled, hoping he wouldn’t announce he’d gotten married, or was going to be a dad.

“Great one. I’m flying to London the day after-tomorrow.”

“That’s wonderful.” He must have heard her sigh of relief all the way to Seattle. “A business trip? For how long?”

“Four months, maybe more. I have to install a special network at a client’s site. Listen, Mom. I don’t want to leave without seeing you. So I’m stopping in Cincinnati tomorrow night, spending Sunday with you, and flying straight to London on Sunday evening on Delta.”

“That’s great. I can’t wait to see you. At what time shall I pick you up?”

“Don’t bother coming to the airport. I’ll rent a car. I’m on company expenses. But if you can cook lasagna for Sunday dinner, that would be terrific.”

She laughed. “You’ll have lasagna and the tiramisu you like.”

“Thanks, Mom. I have so much to tell you. And I need to hear your news.”

“My news?”

“Well, I know nothing ever changes at your clinic. At least you have your yoga, gardening, knitting afghans, and baking for the church’s charity groups to keep you busy after work.”

Yep. That was all she’d done for the last fifteen years. A boring life wasted pining for an impossible love that was suddenly within reach.

To stop Greg’s unwelcomed comments, she hastened to say, “I can’t wait to see you, Greg. Safe trip.”

An extra visit from her son was a rare bonus after his last four days at Christmas, but she wasn’t ready to mention anything to him about this new development in her after-work life or cope with his advice, no doubt laced with pity or sarcasm.

Bummer, should she cancel her dinner at Steve’s house?

Her heart wilted as she considered her dilemma. With a sigh of frustration, she punched in his number.

“Lillian, I was thinking of you and organizing the pictures I want to show you. There are so many. I hope you can stay late.”
