Page 36 of Sailing Away Plans

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But what if you don’t like it down there?

Lillian bit into her muffin, thinking hard, making an imaginary list of the pluses and minuses in her head.

They would be together during the day at the clinic, just as they were here in Cincinnati. At night, they would share the big bedroom on his boat, and she would sleep in his arms. A dream life on a dream island. She would help him set up and manage the clinic, cook for him, and travel with him. What more could she wish for? Hardly able to suppress an ecstatic smile, she lowered her nose into her cup.

“You want more coffee? I’ll make a fresh pot.”

Nothing escaped Heidi’s sharp eyes, although this time she’d jumped to the wrong conclusion.

“Thank you. That would be great.”

What about the minuses?

Only one of major importance. If Steve lost interest in her for one reason or another, her life would be a complete disaster.

Knowing herself, she would be unable to last another day on the island and would jump on the first plane home—home to where there would be no job and no life. He insisted she go with him, but he hadn’t offered any security for a future with him, or even a good job on the island. She was determined to go, but she needed some form of reassurance about her future job… And her life.

Two surgeries later, she headed to the nurses’ station to enter her reports for the day. Her phone blipped, and Steve’s face appeared on the screen with a text.

Signed contract on the building. Took a tour of the clinic and lab. Renovations moving along. Meeting with contractor tomorrow.

Delighted he hadn’t forgotten to call, she thumbed her answer.

Congrats on the contract.

He continued.

Now relaxing on the deck with a drink. How I wish you were here. Will call you tonight.

Heidi was approaching.


Shehurried to shut the connection and pocketed her phone.

“Good news from your son?” Heidi must have noticed her cheerful expression.

“Yes. He loves his work. Heidi, if you want to leave earlier, go ahead. I’ll be staying until seven.” The bags visible under the woman’s eyes testified to a lack of sleep recently.

Heidi sighed. “I was about to do the mid-year inventory.”

“I can take care of that,” she offered.

“Thanks, Lillian. I wouldn’t mind leaving earlier. George isn’t feeling great these days,” she confided. “Too many trips to the bathroom. The stubborn mule doesn’t want to see his urologist. I’ll end up calling the doctor myself. Men are worse than little boys when it comes to taking care of themselves.”

Lillian nodded in commiseration. “Then go. Don’t worry about anything here.”

Heidi left, and Lillian busied herself with the inventory of their supplies and drugs, listing the items they would need to reorder. By five, the receptionist and other nurses had gone. The two doctors usually stayed until six.

“Aren’t you leaving, Lillian?” Samantha asked.

“Not until seven. I want to finalize the order for our supplies. Don’t worry I’ll lock up.”

“See you tomorrow.”

Jason and Samantha left, and Lillian continued her work until a few minutes after seven. She did a round of the premises, switching off lights, and locking cabinets and rooms, and left, hoping to take a refreshing shower as soon as she arrived at Steve’s house.

The dog and cats welcomed her with happy barking and meowing, the three jumping around her, pawing at her legs.
