Page 58 of Sailing Away Plans

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“That’s good, and thanks for the vote of confidence. Now, let me check your cheek.”

Steve removed the gauze and examined the scar. Satisfied with its progress he replaced the dressing.

“It’s healing well. If you still feel itching or pain, rub it carefully with the anesthetic cream. Make sure you don’t overdo it.”

They shared breakfast and then he went to shower, dress, and wait for his children.


Eleven suitcases?

Why on earth would they bring eleven suitcases for a three-day visit? Steve dropped the curtain he’d pulled aside when he’d heard tires crunch on the driveway and went down to welcome his son and daughter-in-law.

“Good to see you, Matt, Cybil.” He hugged them both and stared at the endless line of suitcases his two sons pulled through the garage. “Why so much luggage?”

Cybil giggled. “I’ll explain in a minute. First, I need to shower and change. I hope you don’t mind if Matt and I use the master bedroom. You said you’re leaving soon.” She didn’t wait for his answer and climbed the stairs.

Protesting would cause an argument he would rather avoid before officially presenting his plans. Let them have his suite. They knew where to find clean sheets.

“Matt, don’t take all the suitcases upstairs at once. You’ll break your back. Leave some in the laundry room until later.”

His older son glared at the luggage and huffed.

“Those with the red or white bows can wait till later,” Cybil called down in answer to his comment. “They’re just winter and evening clothes, but the ones with the yellow bows have to come upstairs.”

“I’ll help,” Royce volunteered. “It seems like Cybil has brought her entire wardrobe.”

His brother groaned without commenting.

Questions swirled through Steve’s mind. “I’ll prepare lunch. Your sister should arrive soon.”

Trying to keep a positive attitude, he set the table.

“Hello, Daddy.” Stephanie’s cheerful voice burst into the kitchen.

Steve opened his arms, delighted to see his darling daughter. “My lovely girl. I’ve missed you so much.”

Stephanie hugged him and kissed his cheek.

“I promise it’s the last time I’ll miss Christmas with the family.”

“There wasn’t any family around last Christmas,” he stated calmly.

“I’m so sorry, Daddy. The twins and Heath had the flu. We really couldn’t come.”

“Forget the past. I’m focusing on the future.”

“So I’ve heard.” Her eyes narrowed suspiciously.

A chuckle escaped him. “I bet you came to make sure your father doesn’t make rash decisions in his old age.”

“No, Daddy. Just…just…”

“Don’t worry. I’ve been thinking, planning, and organizing for more than a year.”

“And you didn’t say a thing.” Her voice oozed with indignation.

“It wasn’t something I could announce over the phone.”
