Page 59 of Sailing Away Plans

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“Yet you did, Dad. In a brief, silly text that scared the hell out of me.”

“Hi, Stephanie. Good to see you.” Cybil sashayed in, her blue and yellow flowery dress perfect for the season.

The girls hugged, and Stephanie chuckled, squinting at her jeans and T-shirt. “Should I change for lunch? I brought a back pack with two more shirts and a skirt. Nothing fancy.”

“No. Stay here and bring the food to the table.” He handed them the various plates Lillian had suggested he order—a platter of shrimp, Greek salad with feta cheese, olives, and cucumbers, and a pan of ravioli, in addition to multigrain breads, cheese, and cold meat.

“Any beer, Dad?” Matt asked.

“Plenty. It’s the one thing you’ll never miss in this house.” Royce opened the fridge and handed him several cans. “Steph and Cybil, you care for a beer?”

“I’ll have one,” his sister said.

“Me, too. We have to share a toast,” Cybil added.

Joy filled Steve’s heart, replacing his previous angst. Having his kids eating with him around the kitchen table swept away his apprehension. The young women assumed the task of serving, filling the plates, and passing them around.

“All right.” He raised his can. “I’m drinking to your happiness.”

Exchanging questions and news, they ate and drank. “What happened to your cheek, Royce?” Stephanie asked.

“I grew a beard. Didn’t notice an abscess had formed underneath it. Dad drained it surgically.”

Matt shook his head. “Men grow beards to save time, and you manage to complicate your life. Never heard of an abscess under a beard. You must have cut yourself and didn’t notice.”

Royce shrugged. “Maybe.”

“Well, we have big news to announce,” Cybil started.

“You’re expecting?”

“What?” Her eyebrows rose. “No. We’re not ready for babies yet. Tell them, Matt.” She didn’t wait for him to say a word. “We’re moving to Cincinnati. Permanently. Since Steve is retiring, Matt will replace him, and we can live here. The house is big enough to accommodate us all together. This way, Steve won’t feel lonely when he stops working.”

Silence greeted her words.

Had she lost her mind?

Steve stared at her. Stephanie arched her eyebrows. Matt pursed his lips, and Royce twitched his mouth in an obvious effort to control his laughter.

“What happened to your job in Houston?”

“It didn’t work out,” Cybil answered, as if her husband was a shy kid incapable of speaking for himself.

Steve ignored her and peered at his son. “Surgical problems?”

“No, staff.”

Staff meant Cybil’s father and brother, Dr. Hughes senior and junior, both surgeons.

Steve had trained Matt himself and knew him to be an excellent surgeon.

“Things worked out well.” Cybil shrugged. “Now that you’re retiring, Matt will take your place.”

“Is it possible, Dad?” His forehead etched with a frown, Matt glanced at him.

“Unfortunately no. Dr. Jason Randall became my partner a year ago. He’s good. You trained him yourself, and I continued.”

“No big deal.” Cybil snapped. “Matt will be his partner.”
