Page 60 of Sailing Away Plans

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Fed up with her high-and-mighty assumptions, Steve ignored her. “Dr. Randall is interviewing candidates for the position of general surgeon. If you want to come back to work at the clinic and don’t mind reporting to him, call him as soon as possible.”

“I will, Dad. I renewed my Ohio license and kept my privileges at the hospital by working three days last year when we visited.”

“You can’t report to a man you trained yourself,” his wife cried.

“There are many hospitals in Cincinnati. Don’t limit yourself to my clinic,” Steve offered.

“I like our clinic, its atmosphere, and the rules. It has a great reputation, and the patients like it.”

“Yes. It took me a lot of work and perseverance to bring it to this point.”

If Cybil hadn’t insisted on going back to Houston and the life she had there, they wouldn’t be having this discussion.

“So we’ll be all living here again. Two of your kids watching over you, with Cybil cooking for us, maybe,” Royce mocked, his lips curving to one side in a half-smile.

“Why would you stay in the house?” Stephanie asked.

“I decided to repent and be a good boy, like my dear brother and sister.” He winked at his sister. “Going back to college to finish my studies and earn a degree in computer engineering. Like you, I planned to live here in our house. Too bad, I can’t.”

“Why not? The house is big enough for all of you.” Stephanie scoffed. “A lot of interesting news today.”

Steve couldn’t agree more. “You still have to hear what I have to say.” And hopefully not hit the roof.
