Page 66 of Sailing Away Plans

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Chapter Eighteen

Two days later, Steve left the house in the early morning and stopped by the clinic. He found Jason grumbling in front of the board.

“We have too many patients.”

“Too many?” Steve laughed.

“Maybe not enough physicians,” Jason conceded. “I have several interviews today and have to make up my mind as soon as possible.”

“Why don’t you take care of your interviews while I handle the surgeries at the hospital?”

“Thanks, Steve. That would be a big help.”

Surgeries would keep him away from the house and his kids’ arguments. By two o’clock, he left the hospital, rejuvenated by the type of work he loved so much.

He checked in with Jason. “I sent you the surgical reports. I’ll follow up on the patients before I leave for the day and again tomorrow.”

“Thank you. I interviewed young Dr. Winston this afternoon. Matt doesn’t mind reporting to me. His presence will lighten my load. He has great experience and knows this place so well.”

“Does it mean—”

“Yep, I’m thinking about making him an offer. His license and privileges are up to date, and he can start within a few days, as soon as he finds a house.”

“Good to know. Matt is easy to work with. I’m sure you two will get along well.”

“We worked together a few years ago.”

Steve released a sigh of relief. With Matt working at his clinic and Royce back in college, things would fall into place. If only Cybil could find a house to her liking. Poor Carl was struggling to please her fussiness.

He looked around the clinic. “Where’s Lillian?”

“I sent her home,” Heidi answered. “The woman was so nervous, she couldn’t function. I hope she’s not sick.”

Steve suppressed a smile. Not sick. Just terribly anxious about meeting his children as his girlfriend.

He texted her.

Pick you up at five fifty. Going to Johnny’s in Blue Ash.

She texted back.


Darn, she was nervous alright. He would go over earlier and help her relax.

At five thirty, he knocked on her door.

“Steve, the door’s open,” she called out. “Make yourself comfortable. I’m still getting ready.”

“Okay. I’ll fix drinks and wait in the living room.”

Ten minutes later, he heard her clear her throat. He jumped to his feet, grinning at the vision in blue walking toward him.

“You look fabulous.”

In various shades of blue, her silk dress wrapped around her hips seductively, skimmed the top of her knees with a pleated ruffle, and revealed just the right amount of cleavage to tantalize.

“The dress is new. Do you like it?”
