Page 13 of Wedding Plans

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Chapter Four

Tyler didn’t return to Sienna’s room until noon—not until he was sure the toddler who’d coded was out of danger. He’d assisted the pediatric heart surgeon during a three-hour procedure to repair the valve in little Cody’s heart.

“Hi, you’re back.” Dalia ran to him, her arms up, demanding a hug. He picked her up.

“I was busy with a baby boy who was very sick.”

“How is he now?”

“Okay. He’ll get better.”

“I believe it.” Sienna offered him a lovely smile. “Like me, he had a good doctor who saved him in the nick of time.”

“Thanks. When do you go home?”

“Right now. The nurse helped me dress. She gave me a bag of medication for today and called my pharmacy with the two prescriptions. A volunteer should be here soon with a wheelchair.”

“Wait for me. I’ll get my clothes and join you here. I’ll take you home.”

“No need to bother,” she said, her cheeks pinking. “I can call a taxi.”

“No bother at all, unless you don’t want me to?” he added. After all, he was practically a stranger.

Her radiant smile reassured him “You know I’m so grateful, but I don’t want to take advantage of your kindness.”

“You’re not. I’m not working this weekend. It was supposed to be my honeymoon.” He shrugged. “I’m glad I’m using my free time in a productive way.”

She gave him a puzzled look. “Then, thank you.”

“What’s your address?” He entered it into his phone, then ran to the call-room, collected his suit and backpack, and returned just as the nurse was helping her into the wheelchair. Wrapped in her winter coat and hood, Dalia held his hand as they followed the wheelchair and rode the elevator to the lobby.

“Wait for me here inside. I’ll bring the car to the curb.”

Dalia shook his hand. “I want to come with you, please?”

He glanced at Sienna, and she nodded. “Okay, but we’re going to make a run for it.” He held the little hand in his and hurried to his Lexus. He spread his suit on the passenger seat and opened the back door for Dalia.

She climbed inside and allowed him to buckle her in—the best he could do without a child’s car seat. Driving slowly, he reached the hospital’s front door and stopped.

“Stay put while I get Mommy.”

Poor Sienna. She was biting her lips in pain as she stood, walked the few steps to his car, and climbed into the backseat, her hand holding onto her belly. He leaned inside the car and buckled her seatbelt.

“Thank you,” she panted.

Dalia grabbed her hand. “I’ll hold you, Mommy. You’ll feel better.”

Turning on his phone’s GPS, Tyler punched in the address and used the back roads, maintaining a slower than average speed and avoiding the bumps and potholes.

“We’re home,” Dalia squealed when she recognized her house, a small ranch-style bungalow on a cul-de-sac.

Tyler jumped out, opened the garage door with the code Sienna had given him, then drove into the garage. After unbuckling Dalia and unlocking the door to the house, he sent the child inside. Gently, he helped Sienna out of the vehicle and into the house, half-carrying her to her room. The effort exhausted her, and she collapsed onto the bed.

He removed her boots and coat, and raised her feet so that she could lie down. “Where’s your medication?”

“In my purse.”

He opened it, removed the small bag, then went to the kitchen to get water. “Take these two pills, one’s an antibiotic, the other’s a pain killer.” He helped her drink. “Rest now.”
