Page 14 of Wedding Plans

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She nodded, and he left the room.

He found Dalia in the living room. She’d taken off her coat and boots and sat on the rug playing with her teddy bears and dolls.

Since the child was occupied, he explored the small kitchen, old-fashioned but cozy, with flowers in vases, green plants, and an assortment of Dalia’s drawings taped to the fridge door. In the pantry, amid boxes of cookies and cereals, he found several cans of soup—the perfect food for someone who’d just had an appendectomy.

Shoving his hand into the pocket of his scrubs, he pulled out his phone, ready to make a list of the things he needed to buy, and realized he’d shut it off last night. Turning it on, he was greeted by a string of texts and voice messages reminding him of the person he wanted to forget. With a sigh, he read the texts and cursed.

Beverly had spent the night at his apartment, waiting for him, and texting every hour. He listened to the messages and wished he hadn’t. Her cries, sobs, pledges of eternal love alternated with recriminations and threats. She would kill herself, report him as a missing person, threaten to burst into his hospital and complain to his boss, and so on. Why hadn’t he realized what a drama queen she was? The woman was completely out of control. He should thank Dalia and Sienna for saving him from a marriage doomed to failure.

His patience running thin, he texted back.

This is my last text to you. Our relationship ended yesterday. I’m not interested in getting back together. Forget the past and move on with your life. I have. Goodbye.

He shifted the phone to vibration mode and shoved it into his pocket, then entered Sienna’s room. She opened her eyes right away.

“How are you doing now?”

“Better. The pain is gone. Could you drive me to the parking lot of the restaurant where we met? I need to bring back my car.”

“No, ma’am. You’re not allowed to move from your bed yet. Thanks to the meds, you’re impaired. If you give me your keys, I’ll take a taxi and bring your car back here. I’ll get your medication from the pharmacy and stop by the supermarket. Can you give me a list of what you need? You should eat soft food and soup for a few days.”


“No buts. Doctor’s orders.

She sighed, rhymed off a list of things she needed, and handed him her car keys. “It’s a black Chevy with a dent on the left side.”

As soon as Dalia saw him putting on his coat, she started whining. “Don’t leave, please.”

“I’ll be back. Just running some errands.”

“Can I come, please?”

He glanced toward Sienna’s room. It wouldn’t be a bad idea to let the young mom sleep. Returning to the room, he relayed Dalia’s request. “I’ll take good care of her, and you can rest.”

Dalia had followed him. “Please, Mommy. I’ll be good, I promise.”

Sienna sighed. “If you don’t mind taking her with you. I’m too tired to argue. Go get your coat, Dalia, and be a good girl for Dr. Kent.”

“I will. Bye, Mommy.” She kissed her mother’s cheek and hurried out of the room.

Tyler called for a cab and then helped her with her coat.

“Tyler, there’s a booster seat in the garage,” Sienna called. “You can use it for the taxi ride.”

They waited outside for the cab. Once it arrived, Tyler settled Dalia on her seat, buckled her in, and then slid in next to her.

After instructing the cabby, he checked his phone. Another text from Beverly.

I was at your apartment. When are you coming back? Don’t you need clothes? Love you.

After their weekend honeymoon, he’d expected to move into her duplex and live there while Beverly shopped with a real estate agent for a big house—something according to his former fiancée that reflected his status as a successful pediatric cardiologist. She’d even convinced him not to buy the Porsche ofhisdreams and save every penny for the house ofherdreams. Like an idiot, he’d been an easy-going target, giving in to her every whim—except when she interfered with his dedication to his patients.

Twenty minutes later, the taxi dropped them in the plaza parking lot.

“That’s Mommy’s car,” Dalia indicated the vehicle.

He unlocked the door. “Jump in, pumpkin.”
