Page 20 of Wedding Plans

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Tyler nodded. “Yes. Texting non-stop with regrets, apologies, accusations, promises, you name it. Anything to have me return to my apartment or meet with her.”

“Are you afraid to face her and tell her it’s over?”

“I’m dreading the scene she’ll make.”

“But you can’t avoid it. You should probably meet her in a public place.”

He snorted. “City Hall was as public as they come. It didn’t stop her. She may scream and faint.”

Frowning, Sienna tilted her head.

“I don’t think a woman who slaps her fiancée is the type to faint. She may fake it, in which case, you call 9 1 1 and leave her to the paramedics.”

He snorted. “Good advice.”

“Seriously, you have to meet with her. Otherwise, she won’t stop bothering you. You’re a generous man and a dedicated doctor, easy prey for ... for some women.”

He would never have imagined that the young mother he’d rescued yesterday would prove to be such a wise person.

“Great advice. You’re a smart woman, Sienna Perino.”

And an attractive one, but he had personal problems to solve before he could allow himself to do anything other than look at the pretty woman.
