Page 21 of Wedding Plans

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Chapter Six

Sienna awoke to a terrible pain in her belly, a teddy, a doll, and Dalia shoved against her side. It was six o’clock and silence filled the small house. Somehow, she reached for her medication and the glass of water on her night table and swallowed her pills. With a sigh of relief, she shifted into a more comfortable position and drifted back to sleep.

“Mommy, wake up. The doctor is making pancakes.” Dalia’s voice shook her out of her lethargy. A delicious smell emanated from the kitchen and tickled her nose. “Mommy, come eat breakfast. It’s so good.”

“All right. Be patient.” Careful to avoid any sudden movements, she slid out of bed and slipped a robe over her pjs.

Still dressed in last night’s sweatpants and t-shirt, Tyler worked with two pans on the stove, making pancakes in one and scrambling eggs in the other.

“Morning, Sleeping Beauty.” His cheerful voice had her blessing her appendicitis for allowing them to meet.

“Good morning, it smells delicious.”

“Sit and help yourself.” He pushed the plates of chocolate pancakes and scrambled eggs in front of her. “There’s sausage for Dalia and me. None for you—too hard to digest.”

“I tried them, Mommy. They’re yummy,” Dalia assured her.

“These pancakes are heavenly,” she admitted.

Tyler certainly knew his way around a kitchen—a man worth cherishing and keeping. Her thoughts flew to the jilted bride-to-be who’d acted like a spoiled brat and had lost her wonderful groom. Some women didn’t know how to appreciate what they had.

“How was the pain last night?” He watched her, his eyes narrowed in a professional manner.

“I slept well until six, then took my pills. I feel fine now. When do you think I can go back to work?”

“Maybe in three or four days. I suggest you take the prescription medication today. If the pain is more bearable tomorrow morning, you can shift from the narcotics to Tylenol. You need to be without strong pain for two days at home before you can consider returning to work. If you need anything from the store, I’ll get it for you. I’m going out in about half an hour.”

“We don’t need anything, thank you.”

“Can I come with you?” Dalia begged.

“Not this time, pumpkin. A real estate agent is picking me up. Besides, I need you here to take care of Mommy, bring her a glass of water, and hold her hand when she moves around.”

“Okay, I can do that,” she answered mollified.

After they finished eating, Tyler cleared the kitchen and went to Dalia’s bedroom to change. A short time later, he returned, dressed in jeans and a navy turtleneck.

“Rest as much as you can today. Call me if you need anything. Here’s my phone number.”

Reassured that she could still count on him even if he was out and about, Sienna entered his number into her own phone.

“Have a great day. And don’t worry. We’ll be good.”


He waved and left. A void settled in the house and grew in Sienna’s heart.


The real estate agent drove Tyler to see two apartments in the same building. He liked them but wasn’t sure he could afford them.

Last night, when he’d checked his accounts to see what he could spend on rent, he’d gotten a shock. No doubt to get even with him, after their fight at City Hall, Beverly had withdrawn five-thousand dollars from an ATM machine, using the credit card he’d given her a week ago—a joint account with ten-thousand dollars in it. She wouldn’t hesitate to get her hands on the rest of it.

“Maybe something smaller in the same neighborhood,” he suggested, meaningsomething more affordable.

She’d shown him three more apartments. He fell in love with a two bedroom with a big ultra-modern living-room/kitchen. He snapped a picture and sent it to Sienna with a two-word text.First reaction?

I love it. Looks cheerful and practical.
