Page 26 of Wedding Plans

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Chapter Seven

Cursing his bad luck, Tyler sat next to the ambulance driver. For a second he’d been tempted to let the paramedics do their job and rush Beverly to the ER. Damn it, he was breaking off their relationship, trying to prevent her tentacles from wrapping around his neck, not offering her tender care.

But he was a doctor first, and he would never abandon a patient in her time of need. Two days ago, he’d followed Sienna’s ambulance, a woman he’d just met. He could do no less for his ex-fiancée.

At the ER he knew all too well, he waited outside the examination room where the paramedic had placed her stretcher. A nurse was putting a hospital gown on Beverly.

Within a matter of minutes, the ER attending physician arrived.

“Kent, good to see you. What are you doing on my turf?” Dr. Anthony Carlysle shook hands with Tyler.

“The EMTs just brought in a friend. She’s had an anaphylactic reaction.”

Anthony read the paramedic’s report. “I see she’s had epi injections and has been put on oxygen. I’ll examine her.”

“I’ll wait here.”

Two days ago, he’d paced outside another ER room, waiting for another woman’s news—Sienna he’d just met—while Beverly had seethed and cursed his tardiness. He snorted at the irony of it. Now Sienna was the one waiting for him to return from his meeting with Beverly. Except Beverly had been his fiancée, while Sienna was just a patient, one he’d gone out of his way to help. He would rather not linger on his motives.

A moment later, Anthony came out of the room.

“She has trouble breathing. I’ve given her an injection of cortisone to reduce the inflammation in the airway. She was lucky you were with her and called 9 1 1 right away.” Anthony tossed him a curious look. “She has a little trouble talking. I’m not sure I understood her correctly when she said her fiancé had saved her. Is that gorgeous woman the one you’re supposed to marry this weekend?”

Damn! News traveled fast at the Nassau Hospital. Anthony must’ve heard about his wedding plans. In a few hours, the hospital would be abuzz with a new wave of juicy gossip concerning Dr. Kent and his fiancée. Even in her miserable shape, Beverly had managed to upset him.

Irritated by her indiscretion and Anthony’s tone, Tyler stiffened. “Ex-fiancé. We called it off. You probably didn’t hear correctly.”

“Ah...” Anthony shook his head. “Some people don’t know how to appreciate their luck.”

“What’s that?” Tyler frowned. What was the guy ranting about?

“Go home and don’t worry. I’ll be back to check on her soon.” Anthony aimed a satisfied glance and smiled at the room he’d just vacated.

Tyler rolled his eyes at his departing back and entered the room. With her eyes closed and blond curls mussed around her lovely features, Bev had an angelic appearance that softened her face.

He checked her vitals on the monitor’s screen. Her slow pulse attested to the crisis she’d survived.

“Tyler, thank you,” she whispered.

“Don’t talk. You’re still too weak.”

“You saved my life.” She inhaled deeply, the oxygen canula still in her nostrils.


“And you stayed with me.”

“I never abandon a patient in need.” He hoped his voice sounded noncommittal.

“I understand. And I promise I’ll never complain again when you’re late because of a patient.”

So, she still refused to understand that their relationship was over, as dead as the dodo bird, gone forever.

With a frustrated sigh, he ignored her comment and dragged a chair closer to the bed.

“Thank you.” Her eyes filled with tears. “Thank you for everything.”

“Just rest, Bev. I’ll stay with you until you’re out of danger.”
