Page 30 of Wedding Plans

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Hands off, Dr. Kent.

Not even a chaste peck on the forehead or a brotherly hug from a man who didn’t harbor a single brotherly thought toward her. For the moment, he found her nearness disturbing and exciting. To cool his overheated body, he pulled a bottle of water out of the fridge and guzzled it.

Sienna shook her head. “I thought meeting her to talk was the right thing to do.”

“It would have been the right thing with anyone but her,” he spit out the words impatiently. “Bev was determined to get married, buyherhouse, wearherring, and makeherhusband live the life she wanted. Nothing else would’ve worked for her. On Friday, your daughter and your appendicitis saved me.”

Sienna’s eyes widened, glittering with amusement.

“Lousy luck today.” His mouth pulled into a sour grin. “I was about to leave when she almost died because of that piece of cake. Of course, I couldn’t abandon her to the paramedics.”

“Of course not. I understand. You didn’t leave me either.”

“Well, when she saw me beside her bed in the ER, she assumed I was falling into her arms again.” He gritted his teeth with suppressed irritation.

Sienna gasped. “Is she spending the night at the hospital?”

“The ER attending, a colleague by the way, is keeping her there until the morning.”

“What if she causes you trouble tomorrow?”

With Beverly anything was possible. The woman wanted to hurt him and seduce him at the same time, but he wouldn’t worry Sienna. She had enough on her plate.

“I’ll be in surgery all day without time for melodrama. Now, I’d better get to bed. Tomorrow will be a long day. Goodnight, Sienna. Thank you for giving me a place to stay.”

“You’re the one helping us. See you in the morning.”

He nodded. Chatting with Sienna had filled him with peace.
