Page 29 of Wedding Plans

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“You jerk... Go away. Don’t want you here. Go.”

If that was his thank you note for staying with her, fine. Exasperated, he stepped to the door left ajar, and stopped short at the sight of Anthony standing against the wall, playing with his phone.


“I was about to enter but heard you talking. Sorry, I didn’t want to interrupt.” His lips curved into a sarcastic arch.

“I’m leaving. She’s all yours. I’ve done my duty.”

“You certainly don’t act like a loving fiancé.”

“I’ve already told you. I’m aformerfiancé.”

The sound of sobs reached them, faint at first then louder.

“She’s crying.”

“You console her. I’m out of here, Dr. Carlysle.”

It was already midnight, and he had to be back at the hospital by seven in the morning. He grabbed his coat, practically ran down the corridor, called a taxi, and texted Sienna.

Sorry it’s so late. I’m on my way. Badly need to sleep.

Twenty minutes later, he stepped into her house.

“Tyler,” she called softly from her bed. “Are you okay?”

“Yes, and you? On a scale of one to ten, how’s your pain?” he asked from the doorway.

“Five to six. Can I take a Tylenol?”

“I’ll bring you two.”

“They’re on the kitchen counter.”

He brought the pills and a glass of water and watched her swallow them. She hadn’t asked him a single question about his evening.

“When do you plan to go back to work?” he asked.

“Maybe on Thursday. I still need to rest, but I have to be back next week. They have exams before the Christmas break.”

“Well, avoid undue effort and take it easy. Don’t carry Dalia. HowisDalia, by the way? Did she give you a hard time?”

“No, she said she’ll see you in the morning.”

“What a sweetheart. Unfortunately, I’m leaving early, but I’ll call you after my first surgery.” He tiptoed to Dalia’s side and caressed her hair. “I didn’t expect to stay that late, or even to end the evening at the hospital.”

He left the room and returned to the kitchen.

Sienna followed him.

“You’ve been doing that a lot recently.” She sat on a chair and chuckled. “Two women in a matter of days from a restaurant to a hospital. Kind of funny, even if it isn’t.” Laughter rippled in her voice.

He burst out laughing. “You’re right. Maybe I should look at the humorous side.”

His gaze rested on her oval face and full lips, opened on a giggle, then dropped to her silk pajamas, clinging to her breasts.

Under different circumstances, he would kiss her senseless. Attraction sizzled inside him. To sleep in the same house with this lovely woman, in the bedroom next to hers, and ignore her... How pathetic was that?
