Page 45 of Wedding Plans

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Chapter Eleven

A confusing din infiltrated Tyler’s brain. He cracked an eyelid open and blinked at the faint early morning light. The background noise morphed into voices, a conversation between a man and a woman.

“I was coming here to punch him, but the guy sleeps like an innocent babe.” Anthony’s voice grated on Tyler’s sensitive nerves.

Beverly’s giggles resonated too loud and equally annoying. “I told you nothing happened, Baby Boo.”

Thank God, she had nominated a new Baby Boo to replace him.

“I finished my shift. I’ll take you to my condo. We’ll have a nap, and then do what you want.”

They could do whatever they wanted as long as Anthony took her off Tyler’s hands. Determined to continue his slumber, he shut his eyes and ignored them.

“We can’t leave him like this.” Anthony had the decency to be concerned about his colleague.

“Why not? It’s his apartment. He’s used to it. Stop worrying about him and help me with my coat.”

Thankfully, the noise stopped and Tyler slept again.


Strong sunshine brightened the room, and heavy bangs on the door had him bouncing off the sofa. “Coming,” he called and rushed to the door.

“Dr. Kent, your car’s gone.” Out of breath, the janitor of the building gestured to the window.

“Calm down.” Tyler arched his eyebrows. “Gone where?”

“The tow truck dragged it away a few minutes ago. You left it in the street. You should have known better. No parking after nine.”

“Damn it.” Tyler ran to the window and groaned at the empty place where his car had been. “Did they say anything?”

“Yes, the guy said you should go to the police station, pay the fine, and then retrieve it before noon from the tow company’s garage. The police will tell you where to go.”

Tyler inhaled, exhaled, and then nodded. It wasn’t the janitor’s fault.

“Thank you, Carl.” He gave the man a tip and dug into his pocket for his phone, but couldn’t find it. He searched his pockets, and cursed again. Beverly brought him nothing but trouble.

Wondering if the phone had fallen from his pocket, he patted the sofa, checked the coffee table, and bent to search the floor. He found the phone on the carpet at the far end under the couch. If the phone had fallen from his pocket how had it gotten so far away?

Impatient to recover his car, he left the apartment, went down the stairs, and hailed a taxi. On the way to the police station, he called the manager of his new apartment and left a voice mail, explaining that he couldn’t come at ten, but hoped to make it by twelve. Then he called Sienna. The phone rang several times.

“Hi, Doc.” Dalia’s sweet voice greeted him like a breath of fresh air.

“Hi, my lovely pumpkin.”

“You called. You’re nice. You didn’t forget our plans.”

“Of course not. Today, we’ll set up the Christmas tree and put out the outdoor decorations, right?”

“Right. Thank you, Doc.”

“Where’s Mommy?”

“In the bathroom. I’ll call her.”

“No time. I’ll call back later. Bye, pumpkin.”

The taxi stopped in front of the police station. Tyler waited fifteen minutes until an officer could see him.
