Page 46 of Wedding Plans

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“You’re a doctor. You should know better than to leave a car on the street, at night, during emergency snow conditions. You could have caused an accident. Someone could’ve hit your car in the dark.”

Tyler listened and promised never to do it again. He winced at the outrageous fine but paid quietly and saved the tow garage address in his phone.

It was already noon by the time he collected his car. He drove straight to his new apartment for his keys and went to the reception desk. “I was supposed to meet with the manager at—”

“At twelve. Mr. James waited till twelve thirty and left for lunch. He’ll be back shortly.”

“All right, I’ll wait.” Hoping the manager wouldn’t spend a whole hour on lunch break, Tyler paced in the hallway.

“Dr. Kent,” a jovial voice called ten minutes later. “I have your keys.”

“Sorry, I was late. I ran into an emergency.”

“Not to worry, doctor. That’s what I thought. You doctors are always putting your patients ahead of yourselves. The real estate agent said you’d already paid the deposit and first month’s rent.” The manager handed him the keys. “By the way, doctor. The furniture company called. The truck delivering your stuff should arrive by one o’clock. Since you’re here, you don’t need me to open for them.”

“Right. Send them upstairs. I’ll wait for them.”

His bad mood melted as soon as he stepped into his cheerful new apartment and saw all of the deliveries from yesterday. He’d left the neighborhood he didn’t like, the old apartment, and Beverly forever since Anthony was taking care of her now. The future looked brighter and peace filled his heart.

While he waited for the furniture, he unpacked his linens and kitchenware. A few minutes later the manager called to announce the movers were on their way up.

Tyler opened the two-sided door to allow the men easier access. First, they brought in the beds and mattresses and assembled them, then they went down for the heavy sofa bed, next came the dining room table and chairs, a couple of leather chairs and the coffee table. Lastly, they brought in the television set. Tyler tipped them generously and sighed with relief.

It was time to share his happy news with Sienna. He grabbed his phone and punched in the number.

“Hi Sienna. What a day.”


“I’m coming to get you.” She didn’t answer, and he frowned. “I want to show you my new apartment, so hurry and get ready.”

“No, we can’t. I’m not interested in going out. Enjoy your new place.”

Her words were cold water in his face. What was the matter with her?

“Ah, okay. I’m coming over anyway.”

“Fine.” She hung up.

He stared at the phone. Was she ill? Had she overdone things in his absence? Damn! He’d left her on her own too soon after her surgery. This was on him, and he promised himself he would make it up to her. With Bev out of the way and with a place of his own, he was no longer a guest in Sienna’s house and wouldn’t have to hide his attraction to her.

Satisfied with his new apartment, he pulled down the shades, ran down the stairs, and waved to the security guard sitting at the reception desk.

The manager came out of his office. “How do you like your new place, Dr. Kent?”

“I love it.”

“I hope you’ll be happy here, doctor.”

“Thank you. See you later.”

Tyler appreciated the friendly staff. He couldn’t wait for Sienna and Dalia to visit and enjoy his new place.

But first things first. He had to take care of Sienna’s health and whatever was bothering her. Then he had to set up the Christmas tree with Dalia as promised.


Sienna heard the tires grind on the frozen driveway just before Dalia’s squeal.
