Page 51 of Wedding Plans

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“But you answered my call.”

“You called?” Stunned, he frowned.

“Yes, around nine. You hardly said three words, something liketired, sleepyandlaterand you didn’t continue. I assumed you were asleep and that the phone had fallen from your hands.”

“It makes sense. In the morning, I found my phone under the other end of the sofa.”

Sienna tilted her head. “I assume your ex picked it up, saw my call, and out of curiosity did a little search, then decided it was a unique opportunity for sweet revenge. That would explain her texts and why she threw the phone back on the floor,” she mused aloud.

He rubbed his forehead and sighed, grateful Sienna had reached the right conclusion on her own and had exonerated him.

Not guilty by reason of exhaustion and sleepiness.

“When did you drive her home?”

“I didn’t. I think her boyfriend from the ER came. I vaguely remember hearing their voices and ignored them. Around ten, the janitor woke me, saying a truck had just towed away my car. I had to go to the police station, pay the fine, and then pick it up at the garage.”

“Oh my God.” Sienna’s eyes rounded, and she burst out laughing. “Sorry, I can’t believe all that happened to you. So, that’s when you finally came here?”

“No. Because of the delay, I was late for my appointment with my new building’s manager. I went to get my keys. While I was there, they delivered the furniture. At least, the apartment is ready. I wish you could see it, Sienna.”

He caught her gaze, waiting for a sign of reconciliation.

“I would love to. Maybe you can take us there tomorrow.”

Relief flooding him, he left his chair and sat next to her on the sofa.

“Sienna, I want you to trust me. I’ve never lied to you.”

She blinked. “I do trust you, but these texts...” She shook her head. “It was your phone.”

“It’s hard to imagine the duplicity of some people.”

“Are you going to confront her?”

“What for? She wanted revenge. She got it. Let her enjoy it. I think she’ll focus on keeping her new boyfriend. In her mind, one doctor is worth the same as another. Can we forget about her and concentrate on us?”

She arched her eyebrows.

He wrapped an arm around her shoulders.

“Sienna, I’ve been attracted to you from the moment I saw you ignoring your pain, and worrying about your daughter. You were generous enough to let me stay at your house.” He smiled, his gaze skating over her lips. “I’ve come close to kissing you so many times but forced myself to resist. I didn’t want you to think I would take advantage of a patient in her own house. But now...” He leaned closer, his breath fanning her face.

“Now, I’m not sick or in pain, and you’re not living here, right?” She brushed her lips against his.

It was all the permission he needed. “Right. And I’m dying to kiss you.” His mouth closed over hers, and he pulled her onto his lap.

Her fingers laced behind his head, and her lips parted, inviting a deeper kiss.

His heart filled with joy, he ravaged her mouth, his tongue darting to meet hers in a joyous dance. He stroked her back, caressed her cheeks and neck, giving and receiving passion. When they came up for a breath, he covered her face and throat with warm kisses.

“I’m falling in love with you, babe.” He whispered between kisses.

“I think I am, too, Tyler.”

He sighed. “I didn’t plan well, did I? Instead of renting an apartment, I should have bought a big house.”

“No, Tyler. It’s too soon. We’re not ready for commitment yet.”
