Page 57 of Wedding Plans

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They spent a cozy Christmas at her house. Late at night Tyler had arranged several gift-wrapped boxes under the tree. In the morning, Dalia opened her presents and squealed at the three-wheel bicycle she’d received from Doc and the small table and chair Mommy got her.

Sienna unwrapped a white and golden box to reveal a frilly nightie from Tyler.

“This gift is for you and me.” Tyler chuckled.

Fingering the silky material, she blushed but smiled as she spread the lovely piece on the couch.

“If we’re done with gifts, we can have breakfast.”

“Not yet, there’s one box left.”

“Where?” both Sienna and Dalia exclaimed together.

“Here.” He brought his hand from behind his back, revealing a small velvet box with a solitaire diamond ring.

Stunned, Sienna stared at the ring then at him, her jaw sagging.

“Sienna, I fell in love with you. I know we met less than a month ago. We can’t rush and marry right away, but maybe… Whenever you want… In a month or two or…would you consider marry me, anytime?”

“Yes, Tyler, I love you. Yes, I’d love to marry you.” She threw her arms around him. He pulled her against him for a scorching kiss.

“And me too. I love you. Kiss me Mommy. Kiss me Doc.” Dalia pulled at her mother’s shirt.

Tyler released Sienna, and picked her up in his arms. “And you too, sweetie. I’d like you to call me Daddy.”

“Yes, Daddy.” Dalia squeezed her arms around his neck.

“We could have a Christmas wedding next year,” Sienna started.

“No Christmas wedding. And no City Hall wedding. They don’t work for me. I prefer a May wedding in a church.”

Sienna laughed at his grouchy expression. “All right, A May wedding in a church, and an outdoor reception with a lot of flowers around us.”

“You got it. Now we can have breakfast and discuss some changes to our plans.”

Sienna brew a pot of coffee and Dalia set the table, as he fried pancakes.

His phone rang, with his sister Audrey wishing him a Merry Christmas. Tyler announced his engagement. Unfortunately, Audrey told him their mother wasn’t feeling well.

They sat to eat breakfast as Sienna’s phone chimed. “John’s mother,” she mouthed. “Merry Christmas to you too, and to Damien.”

“Who’s Damien?” Tyler asked later.

“John’s young brother. His mother was proud to announce he’ll start law school next fall and will be looking for an internship or training. She said he’ll call me soon to see if I can put in a good word for him.” Sienna snickered. “As if I knew all the lawyers of the country.”

“My brother, Tim is a lawyer in Cincinnati. I’ll give you his phone number for Damien to call him.”

“That’d be so nice of you. He’s a good kid.”

By the time they finished breakfast the phone rang several times, the last call from Senator Markson wishing her a joyful Christmas. “Your office is ready. When shall we see you?”

“Huh, after the holiday.”

“Okay, I’m looking forward to see you on January 2nd.”

“But Senator, I have a little problem. My daughter is three. She’ll go to daycare, but there will be times when I’ll have to work from home.”
