Page 58 of Wedding Plans

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“No problem.”

“Or I may have to bring her to my office.”

“No problem. Sienna, I don’t care where you work from as long as you write my speeches again. I missed you like hell… I mean I missed your speeches… I mean my old speeches that you wrote. See you on January 2nd. Happy New Year, Sienna.”

“Happy New Year, Senator.” She turned to Tyler with a radiant smile. “Wow, he expects me to start on January 2nd.”

“Are you happy?”

She nodded vigorously. “Very happy. I’ll stop by the school tomorrow and hand in my resignation.”

“That’s the way to do it. Congratulations, babe.”

While Dalia sat at her new table coloring, Tyler pulled Sienna to the couch. “I’d like to modify our plans.”

“What plans?” Frowning, she covered her new ring with her palm. “You’re not changing your mind about our engagement?”

“Never. It’s about remodeling your house. It would take too long to remodel.”

“Bummer, I forgot about that. I won’t have time.”

“Exactly. I suggest you put it for saleas is, and we buy a bigger house together. I’ll sublet my new apartment.” He snorted. “No luck for me with apartments.”


On May 1st, a glorious sunny day, Tyler waited with his best man, his brother Tim, at the altar of the church near their new big house in Long Island. Their mother was in remission after a few months of chemo and Audrey had promised to attend the wedding.

Thanks to Tyler, Sienna had reconciled with her parents who declared themselves delighted with their daughter’s wedding to Tyler and sat in the first pew.

John’s mother had declined to attend on the pretext she lived too far, but his brother Damien cheerfully accepted, claiming he would give Sienna a blessing on behalf of his late brother. A few cousins of the groom flew in from Miami, including Tyler’s daredevil cousin, Rafael Lopez who piloted his own plane, and brought with him his wife Arianna, and their senior relatives who lived in St. John Island, Dr. Steven Winston and his wife, and his sister, Arlene Lambert, visiting from Kentucky.

Damien couldn’t stop staring at the gorgeous blonde who stepped on his shoes as she backed up at the door. She’d apologized with a bubbling laugh and introduced herself as the groom’s cousin, Denise Lambert.

The medical staff from Nassau Hospital had all arrived, including Dr. Anthony Carlysle and his wife Beverly, Dr. Thomason, Dr. Amr and many others.

Finally, the bridal limousine slowed at the curb. Dalia and her new cousin, Brianna, Tim’s daughter entered the church, followed by Tim’s wife Annette, and waited for the bride.

The music started. In a white lace gown, holding a bouquet of white roses, Sienna glided down the aisle, holding Dalia’s hand, wearing a dress similar to her mom’s and carrying a bouquet with three roses. Sienna had refused to have any traditional bridesmaid or flower girls.

“Just me and Dalia going to the man we love.”

At the altar, Tyler took their hands and kept the little girl at his side.

When the pastor declared them husband and wife, the newly married couple hugged their little daughter, and then Tyler held Sienna for a brief and searing kiss. “I love you and will keep you both to my last day.”

Dalia heard every word and smiled. “I’ll keep you too, Daddy. Santa Claus gave me my wish.”

