Page 34 of Kissing Plans

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Seething, she hissed, “Go away, Royce.”

“No.” He crossed the living room and strode toward the dining room table. “Good evening, Mrs. Chen.” He bent and kissed her cheek.

“Good to see you, Royce.”

“Ah, so we finally meet the elusive fiancé,” Dean Tristan exclaimed, standing and shaking hands with Royce.

Susan rolled her eyes, expecting Royce to deny the assumption and clear the air.

“I’m Royce Winston. My apologies for intruding unannounced. Susan is so busy at UC, and I miss her.” He sent her a charming smile.

Her jaw dropped, and she glared at him.

Ignoring her, he wrapped an arm around her shoulders. “Susan and I have known and loved each other since she was here working on her PhD.”

Was he out of his mind?

“Winston? I knew a Dr. Steve Winston, but he’s retired to the Caribbean now. Any relation?”

“Steve Winston is my father. He and his wife live on a yacht on St. John. Far from retired, he’s opened a medical center there and is busier than ever.”

“You don’t say? Steve and I were friends. He was my surgeon, but we often shared a drink, especially after he lost his first wife. We lost touch over the years.” Dean Tristan turned to Susan. “You’ve chosen a good man, Susan, if he’s anything like his father.”

Mae arched her eyebrows, shrugged, and then waved at the table. “Royce, have a seat. I hope you’ll share dinner with us.”

“With pleasure. I was so busy working that I didn’t have time to grab a bite.”

“Susan, can you get him a plate?” Mae asked.

“Don’t move, sweetheart. I’ll get it.”

“Coming with you, Roycedear.”

And I’ll kill you soon.

“Are you crazy? What’s the meaning of this charade?” she grumbled, seething with frustration.

“I didn’t start it. The dean assumed something nice, and you didn’t deny it, so I followed suit. You didn’t hesitate to force your own charade on me by saddling me with a fake wife, a big burden, believe me.”

“I told Mae the truth right away. It was only to protect myself from Kasem’s useless jealousy.”

He snickered. “Face it, my love. I make a better fiancé than that skunk. To think I was sorry for betraying his trust, and he was the one tarnishing my reputation. What hurts the most is that the woman I love believed him.”

His caustic tone made her flush. Mixed feelings surged through her. Could he be telling the truth?

He grabbed a plate, and she brought the silverware.

Her mind reeling in confusion, she glanced at him as they left the kitchen. At the door of the dining room, he bent and stole a kiss. For a few seconds, she closed her eyes, delighting in the delicious sensation of his lips on hers.

She opened her eyes and met Mae’s stunned gaze and Dean Tristan’s indulgent smile.

“That’s what I call love.” The dean bobbed his head. “Enjoy your youth, my young friends. True love is difficult to find. When’s the wedding?”

“Good question.” Mae clasped her hands on the table. “When’s the wedding, Susan?” Mae’s eyebrows shot up, a sign she was barely controlling her temper. “Royce, what do you suggest, son?” Her voice tone had cooled ten degrees at least. “Have a seat and tell us about your projects.” Stiff as a poker, she served him a generous portion of chicken curry and fried rice.

Royce’s face broke into a big grin.

“I’m ready to marry her tomorrow. Susan knows I love her and would do anything for her. Your decision, Susan.”
