Page 21 of Always Mine

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“You got it.” He sets to work making it while I look around the counter. He has some local desserts and chocolates for sale, some homemade soap, and mittens now that we’re edging closer to winter. I turn to the left and my eyes land on a stand of Zoey’s books. Walking over, I pick up the most recent one, the one she was upset about getting the bad review on. I flip through it, find one of my favorite parts, and start reading.

I wonder if fate is real. I always thought it was something people wrote about, a fairy tale. Especially when you consider all the terrible things that happen in life. How could fate be real? And if it is real, why is it so revered when it can be so utterly cruel?

I never used to believe in it. But last night put a dent in that. Now? Sitting here, staring at the house I dreamed of owning, knowing that my dream guy is the one who owns it? That can’t just be coincidence, can it? If fate is real, is it finally pulling us together after all these years?

I stare at the words and a small smile crosses my lips. I wonder if she thought of me—us—when she wrote that. Certainly those characters have a story much different than ours, but at its core, it’s all about finding your way to the one you were always supposed to be with.

“Here you go.”

I pull my gaze from the book and look at Tucker, who slides me my coffee. “Thanks.”

He points to the book. “Should I ring that up too?”

I close it and put it back, clearing my throat. “No, thanks, I’ve already read it.”

He gives me an evil smile. “I’ll bet you have.”

“Oh, boy.”

“No, I’m just saying, everyone knows how you feel about Zoey.”

I yank my coffee off the counter as I slide him some cash. “Since when are you into the gossip mill?”

“Oh, I’m not.” He hands me the change and leans over the counter. “But Kristie, Britt, and Juliette are,” he says, referencing his sister, ex, and their friend, all of whom are close with Trish and Zoey. “They want y’all to get together.”

My lips pull into a flat line. Mostly because I want everyone to know, but I can’t tell them yet.

“Well, they’ll have to wait and see what happens.”

He cocks an eyebrow. “Interesting. I might need to go to my little birds for further information.”

I can’t help but laugh at that. “You mean you’ll get your daughter to ask Alex what’s going on.”

He smiles proudly. “Yup. Finley already knows how to work the boys and get exactly what she wants.”

I lean in and give him a troublemaking grin. “You know, you won’t find that so funny when she’s sixteen.” I smack his arm and turn to walk away as he stands there, staring, annoyed. “Oh, and thanks for the coffee.”

He grumbles something in response as I walk out the door, laughing.


I’m in the middle of finishing my newsletter when I see my phone light up. I vowed not to check it while I was doing business stuff. But… Luke.

I grab and unlock my screen. Rather than seeing a text from Luke, I see a text from my friend, Jade Jackson. She’s also an indie romance author. We met randomly on Instagram, only to find out we live one town over from each other.

I quickly check the text—I’ve already lost the newsletter momentum, anyway.

Jade: Hey! How are you? I saw that crappy review this morning when I was leaving mine (5 stars, girl! Seriously, so good.). I just wanted to remind you that you are amazing. Don’t let it get to you.

Me: YOU are the best. Love you. And thank you. It was definitely getting to me this morning, but I’m in a better mood now.

Jade: A better mood, huh?

Me: Yes. :)

Okay, we agreed we weren’t telling people yet, but I know Jade would never tell anyone else.

My phone rings.
