Page 52 of Always Mine

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Then his hot mouth is between my legs, devouring my clit with lavish strokes of his tongue. He flicks it and teases it as my hips buck off the bed.

My hands slide into his hair. Fuck, I love that long hair. And that beard that rubs just the right—oh—places.

He slides a finger inside me, darting it in and out, hard and fast.

My vision blurs as a haze of pleasure takes me over. Everything is so much more sensitive, which means my orgasms have been even more intense. I pull on Luke’s hair, shamelessly keeping his face pressed as tight to me as possible.

“Luke… yes, oh… I’m so close. I’m…”

My head drops back as my breathing quickens. Shallow breaths that match the rhythm of his movements. And then I feel the start—that tingling, warming, tightening, whole-body-on-fire feeling as I crash around him, jolting my hips away as the sensation of his tongue becomes too much to bear.

Then his lips trail up my body as he slowly slides his finger out of me. “I love when you come in my mouth,” he groans. “Fuck, baby. You get me so worked up.” I flash my eyes open and watch him fist himself.

I think I’m about to have a spontaneous orgasm. I push myself up to sitting and then on to my knees, leaning my body against his as I kiss him furiously, tasting my juices on his tongue. It used to weird me out, but I’ve started to like it. Replacing his hand with mine, I grip him hard, stroking fast until he stops me with that low, rumbling voice of his. “I need you to ride me. Hard. Right now.”

I cock an eyebrow. Then give his shoulders a push toward the head of the bed. He sits back against the pillows, dick at full mast, watching me as I move toward him. I love riding him. And I love when that’s specifically what he wants. It means he wants me to make him come. And I love to see him lose all control.

I lift my hips as I crawl on top of him, then slowly sink myself over his hard length. He moans immediately, gripping my hips. I move fast, shamelessly swirling my hips and pulling the moans and curse words from his mouth. Then I remember what I was doing earlier and slide one hand behind me, caressing his balls. I watch him tense up and struggle to keep his eyes open. He brings his thumb to my clit and a wave of heat rolls through me. I move even faster until his body tightens. I force my eyes open so I can watch his face twist with ecstasy as I milk him dry, my own orgasm flowing through me in the midst of it all.

I collapse against him and nip at his neck. “Merry Christmas, baby daddy.”

He grabs the back of my neck—fuck, I love the feeling of his hand right there—and kisses me hard. “Mm. Merry Christmas.” He glances over at the clock. “With time to spare.”

As I get cleaned up, another wave of excitement washes over me. Our first Christmas together. I can’t wait to see the boys’ faces.


The living room looks like a bomb went off.

Exactly what I wanted. Wrapping paper tossed everywhere. Presents ripped into. Everyone smiling. And occasionally the boys fighting over stuff.

We took a break for breakfast, now we’re opening the final gifts. The ornaments. Zoey didn’t have very many ornaments, so we decided every year we would make it a tradition to gift special ornaments to each other and the kids. This year, they all have special meanings, even Zoey’s, though she doesn’t know it yet.

The boys and Zoey force me to open mine first. What I see is a wooden ornament with a red and black checkered bear. Underneath it are the wordsPapa Bear.I clear my throat, trying to keep the emotion from overtaking me. Both boys throw their arms around my neck. We’ve continued to grow closer over the last five weeks since I moved in and their dad left.

Zoey and I share a smile and then a knot forms in my stomach.

It’s time.

I take a deep breath, walk over to the pile of wrapped ornaments, and grab Zoey’s. She’s looking down, trying to untangle some wrapping paper from her slipper. The boys give me big smiles and thumbs up. A.J. can barely contain himself.

I slide the present into Zoey’s hands. She jokingly shakes it, then pulls it open, revealing her ornament.

Her mouth slides open. Tears fill her eyes. The boys step in front of her like they’re trying to see. “What is it, Mom?” Alex asks.

Her head snaps up. “A bride and groom.” A beautiful, wooden, hand-painted bride and groom who happen to look a little bit like us.

Alex and A.J. step apart to reveal me on one knee.

“Luke…” she whispers.

The boys sit down on either side of her as she wipes her eyes. I move closer and take her hand in mine.

“Zoey, I’ve loved you for a long time. I loved you when I wasn’t supposed to. You made me smile, brightened my days, just by being you. Now I know you in a different way. I know the depths of your loving heart, I know the beauty of your soul, I know your endless love and loyalty, and I know the intensity with which you fight for the people you love. There is no one else in this world who knows me like you do, understands me like you do. And I never want to live a day without you. This family is my heart, my soul, my life. I want us, forever. What do you say, baby? Will you marry me?”

She nods slowly. Then she glances at the boys. “What do you think?”

“Yes, Mom! You gotta say yes!” A.J. yells.
