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“Thank you,” he said, placing his hands around the warm cup.

She looked curiously at him. “You must be the bloke that Sarah told me about.”

“She talked about me?”

Glancing over her shoulder, the woman lowered her voice. “She said you were asking a bunch of questions the last time you were here.”

“I am just trying to find some like-minded individuals, such as myself.”

She seemed unconvinced, but she bobbed her head. “Let me know if you need my help.”

Baldwin watched as the woman walked towards a group of three young men who were hurling their words about. As she reached for their empty cups, one of the men eyed her backside lewdly.

The woman didn’t seem to pay it any heed and quickly moved on to another table.

He watched as one of the men pulled out a bottle from his jacket pocket and poured the contents into his cup. Then, he passed the bottle to another person at his table.

Baldwin shook his head at the young men. It was only a matter of time until they were kicked out of the coffeehouse for their rowdy behavior, since alcohol was generally banned from reputable establishments.

Reaching for his cup, Baldwin was about to take a sip when he heard one of the young men say, “I wonder if the boss would want her.”

Another young man with a large forehead swiped at his arm. “I doubt it. She is old,” he said, slurring his words.

“How old do you suppose she is?”

“I don’t know, but she is at least thirty.”

The young man whistled. “She doesn’t look too bad for her age.”

Baldwin followed their gaze and realized they were making the disparaging comments about the woman who had served him.

The young men returned their attention to one another, keeping themselves hunched over their drinks. They weren’t dressed in the finest apparel, but they were dressed in the latest fashion. Their boots had scuff marks on them, implying they did not care for them as they should. Which also meant that they did not employ a valet, or at the very most, a terrible one.

Finding himself curious by the conversation he had overheard, he rose from his seat and approached the table where the young men were situated. He sat down on an empty chair and placed his cup on the table.

All the young men’s eyes were on him. “That seat is taken, mate,” one of them said.

“That is a shame, because I was hoping to buy you all a cup of coffee,” Baldwin responded.

They exchanged glances before a dark-haired young man smiled broadly. “Well, you should have led with that, Mister.”

Baldwin chuckled. “Next time I will.” He caught the eye of the serving woman and motioned her over. “Can I get a round of coffee for my new friends?”

The woman nodded her head. “As you wish.”

He turned his attention back towards the men. “She is quite beautiful,” he commented.

“That’s what I said earlier,” the dark-haired man remarked, his eyes red-lined.

The man with the large forehead spoke up. “You just want to bed her.”

“That is true.”

The last young man had curly brown hair that hung low over his forehead. “What is your name?” he asked.

“Baldwin,” he replied simply.

The young man tipped his head. “I’m Edgar.”
