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“Just call me Sam,” the dark-haired one said.

Baldwin turned his gaze towards the last man, who had the large forehead. “And you are?”

“My name is Paul.”

“It is nice to meet you,” Baldwin said. “I just got released from the Royal Navy a few weeks back, and I moved to Town to find some work.”

They all scoffed before Edgar declared, “You moved to the wrong place.”

“Why do you say that?” Baldwin asked innocently.

“There ain’t enough work to go around here,” Sam declared, leaning back in his chair. “People are trying to make ends meet by stealing and swindling people.”

“Is that how you three are making money?” Baldwin inquired.

They grew silent. “We got ourselves nice jobs,” Paul finally admitted.

“Which are?”

“Can’t say,” Paul replied, “but the pay is real good.”

Baldwin bobbed his head. “I can respect that,” he said.

The serving woman walked up with a tray and placed a new cup of coffee in front of each of them. “Will there be anything else?”

“No, thank you,” Baldwin said as he handed her a coin, then reached for his cup.

Sam watched him curiously. “You mentioned you were in the Royal Navy.”

“I was,” Baldwin huffed, “but that hasn’t helped me find any work. I have been scrambling about trying to find a purpose in my life.”

Edgar pulled out the bottle from his pocket. “Want to add a little brandy to your coffee?”

Baldwin smiled as he put his hand out to accept it. “How did you smuggle that in?” he asked, pouring a small amount into his coffee.

“The owner of the establishment don’t care as long as we keep on paying,” Sam said loudly as he reached for the bottle.

Paul put his finger up to his lips. “Why are you talking so loud?”

“I’m not,” Sam argued.

Baldwin kept his face expressionless, but it was evident that these men were heavily inebriated, which was a good thing for him. People’s defenses were generally down when they’d had too much to drink.

Leaning forward, Baldwin said, “You all appear to be exceptionally clever men.”

Edgar bobbed his head in agreement. “We are.”

“I thought so,” Baldwin replied, glancing over his shoulder. “I am looking for a group of free thinkers.”

“That is what we are,” Sam declared, straightening in his chair.

Baldwin clenched his fist and pounded it onto the table, causing the young men to jump in their seats. “That is good, because I want to join the fight against tyranny. I want to fight for the people’s rights.”

Edgar lifted his brow. “You look like you would be good at fighting,” he said.

“I fought in the Royal Navy for ten years, and I have nothing to show for it,” Baldwin stated. “It is time to do something for myself.”

Sam watched him as he gently bobbed his head. “We can help you with that, but it might be dangerous.”
