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“Then what is the hold up?”

Baldwin frowned. “When you are dealing with Parliament, nothing goes smoothly,” he explained. “Everyone likes to debate about the problem, but no one can offer a sensible solution that satisfies both parties.”

“I do not envy you or your position in the House of Lords,” Oliver said as he placed a white linen napkin onto his lap.

“It is not a position that I take lightly.”

“I can only imagine.”

Baldwin folded the paper and placed it on the table. “How are you faring after last night?”

“I am well,” Oliver replied, taking a bite of his food.

“Are you?” his brother pressed, eyeing him with concern.

Oliver swallowed his food. “Do not scrutinize me, Brother. It is very unbecoming of you.”

Baldwin chuckled. “My apologies, but you almost became engaged.”

“Don’t remind me.” He shuddered.

Corbyn’s voice came from the doorway. “Who almost became engaged?”

“Oliver offered for Miss Lockhart,” Baldwin responded.

As Corbyn stepped further into the room, he asked, “Isn’t she engaged to the Duke of Billingham?”

“She is,” Baldwin confirmed.

“That is a bold move,” Corbyn said, giving him a knowing look.

Oliver reached for his teacup. “I assumed you would make an appearance this morning,” he remarked.

“I got your missive,” Corbyn said as he came to sit across from him. “I looked through our records and didn’t see any reference to a Guy Stewart.”

“That is disconcerting,” Oliver remarked. “I intend to go to the meeting, and I will report back if this group poses a threat to England.”

Corbyn nodded in approval. “Be sure you stay vigilant.”

“I always do.”

Baldwin spoke up. “Would you like me to join you at this meeting?”

“That won’t be necessary,” Oliver replied. “Most likely, it is a bunch of schoolboys spouting nonsense.”

Corbyn gave Baldwin a pointed look. “Besides, you are retired.”

“That doesn’t mean I can’t assist in an investigation,” Baldwin pressed.

With a chuckle, Corbyn remarked, “That is precisely what it means. Your job now is to entertain your lovely new wife.”

“She is quite lovely,” Baldwin confirmed, smiling.

Oliver glanced over his shoulder at the open door. “Where is Madalene?” he asked. “She normally joins us for breakfast.”

“She had breakfast in her room this morning since we arrived home so late from the ball,” Baldwin shared.

Oliver had just taken a bite of his food when Pratt stepped into the room and met his gaze. “Miss Lockhart is here to call upon you, milord,” he announced.
