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“Yes, they were.”

Her smile dimmed. “I miss them dreadfully.”

Oliver gave her a look filled with compassion. “I can imagine.”

“Do you suppose they would be disappointed in my decision to elope with you?” she asked as she nibbled on her bottom lip.

“Your parents adored you, and I would imagine they would just want you to be happy.”

“Thank you for that.”

Oliver shrugged. “Besides, I have no doubt that they would have been elated that you picked me.”

A laugh escaped her lips. “You have not changed since we were little.”

At her words, a pained look came into his eyes. “That is not entirely true.”


“I am not the carefree boy that I once was,” he replied.

She eyed him curiously as she asked, “Do you not spend your days gambling, drinking, and flirting with women?”

“I do, but there is so much more to me than that.”

“I know,” Emmeline replied.

“You do?”

Emmeline bobbed her head. “You may have your vices, but I believe you to be a good, honorable man.”

For a moment, he stared at her in disbelief. “And why is that?”

“Because you are saving me from a terrible marriage.”

Oliver pursed his lips and grew silent. Finally, he spoke up. “I am not the man that you think I am,” he expressed.


“I have done some terrible things.”

“That is in the past now,” she remarked encouragingly.

Oliver threaded his fingers and placed them in his lap. “It is not that simple,” he said. “At times, my actions will not make sense to you, but I need you to know that I will be faithful to you.”

“I understand.”

“You should also know that I am a man with many secrets,” Oliver shared, his expression solemn, “and I am not at liberty to share them with you.”

Emmeline felt the coach tip to the side as one of the wheels hit a rut in the road. “We all have secrets,” she admitted.

“Not like mine.”

“Then I shall be mindful not to press you.”

Oliver acknowledged her words with a tip of his head, but he remained quiet. She couldn’t help but notice that his eyes had grown guarded.

A yawn escaped her lips and she brought her gloved hand up to cover it. “Pardon me,” she said. “I must be more tired than I realized.”
