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Jane smiled approvingly as she ran her hand along the back of the settee. “I agree, especially since I designed this room myself.”

“You did an admirable job.”

“It did turn out quite nicely,” Jane said. “Oliver wouldn’t let me redecorate his bedchamber, but he didn’t object to the sitting room.”

Emmeline stepped further into the room. “I know I shouldn’t feel odd about being in here, but I’m afraid I haven’t adjusted fully to the fact that I am a married woman yet.”

“These things take time,” Jane encouraged. “Or at least, I assume they do.”

“I am glad that you are here with me.”

“As am I,” Jane said as she came to a stop in front of her. “Besides, if Oliver doesn’t behave, then I shall deal with him.”

“Oliver did promise me that he would remain faithful,” Emmeline revealed.

“I should hope so!” Jane exclaimed.

“You must remember that this is a marriage of convenience. I can’t very well dictate my husband’s actions.”

Jane pressed her lips together, then said, “No, but I truly hope that Oliver doesn’t disrespect you by continuing on as he has been.”

“He won’t.”

Not appearing convinced, Jane remarked, “I’m hoping you are right. But, I feel as if I should warn you that a leopard cannot change its spots.”

“Oliver is a good man,” Emmeline said. “I have no doubt that he will treat me fairly.”

“And if you are wrong?”

Emmeline grew silent for a minute, then admitted, “I’m not entirely sure.”

A forced smile came to her friend’s lips as she attempted, “Let us talk about much more pleasurable things.”

“Such as?”

“Would you care to go riding tomorrow?”

Emmeline perked up. “I would love to.”

“I assumed as much,” Jane replied. “You could always outride me when we were younger.”

“I daresay that is not true.”

Jane laughed. “You used to ride through the woodlands as if it were an easy task to accomplish.”

“Once you have ridden those trails a time or two, it is much easier to navigate.”

The sound of the dinner bell could be heard chiming in the distance, beckoning everyone to come.

“We should go,” Jane encouraged.

After they exited the sitting room and her bedchamber, they started walking down a hall with portraits lining the walls.

Emmeline stopped when she arrived at Oliver’s portrait, and she was quick to acknowledge what a dashing figure he made. He was dressed in his finery, and a hint of a smile was on his lips. But it was his eyes that held her transfixed. His guarded eyes spoke of a story that she knew she would never be privy to.

“This portrait was recently commissioned,” Jane shared.

“Your brother is quite handsome.”
