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Jane shrugged one shoulder. “I don’t see it.”

Emmeline laughed. “I suppose you wouldn’t.”

Looping Emmeline’s arm through her own, Jane continued to lead her, and it wasn’t long before they arrived at the entry hall. They stepped into the drawing room and were greeted by Harriet.

“You are looking lovely tonight,” Harriet said.

“Thank you,” Emmeline replied.

Harriet gestured towards Baldwin and a young woman that Emmeline was unfamiliar with. “Allow me to introduce you to Baldwin’s bride, Madalene.”

Emmeline curtsied. “It is a pleasure to meet you, my lady.”

The dark-haired beauty approached her and smiled warmly. “Family does not make use of titles,” she chided lightly. “I have been looking forward to speaking to you all afternoon. I am sorry that we weren’t present when you arrived, but Baldwin and I went on a carriage ride through Hyde Park.”

“That sounds delightful.”

Baldwin cleared his throat. “You must have misheard, then.”

Madalene laughed as she turned back towards Baldwin. “You must excuse my husband,” she said. “He is not a fan of taking carriage rides through Hyde Park during the fashionable hour.”

“It is entirely too crowded for my tastes,” Baldwin explained.

“I must agree with you there,” Emmeline replied. “I prefer riding my horse in the morning, and I try to avoid the crowds entirely.”

“That sounds much more enjoyable,” Baldwin said. “Madalene and I shall have to join you on your morning ride.”

Jane spoke up. “We are riding tomorrow morning. You are welcome to join us.”

With a side glance at his wife for approval, Baldwin said, “I believe we shall. Thank you for the invitation.”

The butler stepped into the room and announced that dinner was served.

“Thank you, Pratt,” Baldwin acknowledged, offering his arm to his wife. “Shall we?”

“Shouldn’t we wait for Oliver?” Emmeline asked curiously.

Frowning, Harriet shared, “I’m sorry to inform you that Oliver has gone out for the evening.”

“Oh,” Emmeline replied, her gaze lowering to the floor. “I should have assumed.”

“We all agree that it was terribly unfair of him,” Jane declared.

Emmeline put on a brave face as she brought her gaze up. “Shall we go in to dinner?” she asked, hoping her voice sounded cordial enough. “I find that I am famished.”

Jane gave her a concerned look. “It is all right to be angry.”

“I know,” Emmeline said, “but this is what I agreed to.”

Jane opened her mouth to no doubt object but closed it when Harriet interjected, “Perhaps we can discuss this later.”

“Yes, Mother,” Jane muttered, looking entirely displeased.

They followed Baldwin and Madalene into the dining room, and Emmeline claimed the seat next to Jane. After they were situated, Madalene directed a comment to Emmeline. “I heard you are turning twenty-one soon.”

“Yes, in two days’ time,” Emmeline replied.

“How wonderful!” Madalene gushed.
