Page 21 of Ivory

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I rubbed my forehead with my fingertips. I didn't need him doing shit.

"They might only be stones," Cooper said. "Just because it seems like they meant something doesn't mean they do. Black diamonds are worth a lot. The rest have some use."

"Except the bloodstone," I pointed out. "That's probably worth about three dollars. Why put that in there unless it has some meaning?" I looked around, but none of them had any more answers than I did.

"I could shove it down his throat for you," Jake offered.

"Fuck," Cooper said. "I was going to say the same thing."

Jake grinned. "Rock, paper, scissors for the privilege?"

I rolled my eyes at them both. "No one is going to shove it down his throat. You wouldn't get close enough anyway. If we could, I would happily do it myself."

Both guys looked disappointed.

I glanced at Rachel and shrugged. Men, what could you do?

She grinned in response.

I tapped my fingers on my thigh. "Alistair Dagen wouldn't have handled these himself. He would have had someone do it for him. Coop, any idea who might have done that?"

He thought for a moment. "People came and went all the time. I didn't pay much attention to them when I was there. Which wasn't often."

"But you knew he was dealing with Dagen," Jake pointed out.

"Only because he told me. We argued about it." Cooper scratched his cheek. "I'm not sure if he dealt directly with them. There might have been a go-between."

"If Dagen knew we were working through Silas' garage, then he would want to keep his hands clean," I said. "He wants us to know he is involved, but doesn't want us to be able to prove it. If we make any kind of move against him, he could claim it was unprovoked."

"I'd like to know how many fucking pies he also has his fingers in," Jake said. He looked furious, like if we missed anything, he would blame himself.

"Let's find that out," I said. "Do a full check on any of the small side businesses. These are the pies he'll stick his fingers in first." After a moment I added, "And Crimson. He was there last night. The gods only knew what he might have gotten up to. Or tried to."

Jake nodded. "I'll get on it. But subtly. If he knows we're looking, he might act sooner."

"I have no doubt he will know," I said. "He sent us a warning. He wants us on edge." He certainly got that.

"Can we send him a warning back?" Cooper asked.

"We could send him your uncle's head?" Jake said lightly. "That's always a fun gift."

"Nothing says subtle like a decapitated head in a box," I said sarcastically.

"Why does it have to be subtle?" Cooper asked. "I've only seen this guy from a distance and I want to punch him in the face."

"He does have that effect on people," I agreed. "But it would have to be subtle because we can't be seen to provoke them. If Dagen wants a war, then that's what he'll get, but we won't be the ones to start it. Not officially." Unofficially, all bets were already fucking off, as far as I was concerned.

I picked up the black diamond, half expecting it to explode in my face or some shit like that. Instead, it just sparkled, reflecting the light. It wasn't worth much more than a few thousand dollars, but it certainly was pretty. "Maybe I should get this made into a ring. Or a necklace." I could wear it in front of Dagen and piss him off. That would be fun.

"I know a guy," Cooper said. "Will you let me have him make it into something for you?"

"Don't have it made into a motherfucking engagement ring," Jake growled.

Cooper looked surprised. "I wasn't even thinking that." His mouth curled up in a sly smile. "Until now."

I snorted. "We met yesterday."

"When you know, you know." Cooper grinned but I suspected it was mostly for Jake's benefit. "Fine, no engagement ring. But I have something in mind." He slipped the diamond into his pocket.
