Page 22 of Ivory

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"What do we do with the rest of the stones?" Jake asked.

I looked towards Rachel. "Can you sell them for us?"

"Probably," she agreed. "I also know a guy. But—even the siphon stone?"

"Only a witch can use it on another witch, can't they?" I asked. "If it's no threat to any wolves, then I don't care."

If witches wanted to fuck with each other, that was their business, as long as they stayed out of my way.

"Okay." If that bothered Rachel, she didn't show it. She would get a nice cut of the proceeds anyway.

"Ivory, you should put the bloodstone in your house," Jake said.

When I looked at him questioningly, he said, "Humans think they have the ability to cleanse toxins out of your body."

I gave him a flat stare. "The more you say things like that, the more I want a really big slice of cake."

Cooper chuckled.

"I'm just looking out for you," Jake said sulkily.

"I appreciate that," I assured him. "Why don't you take it, you eat more crap than I'm allowed to."

He shrugged, but slipped the stone into his pocket. It would probably turn up somewhere at my place or at Crimson sooner or later.

Rachel closed the box and took it over to a safe in the corner.

"We are all going to have to watch ourselves," I said quietly. "Watch our backs. It might start with something small like this, but at some point he's going to come after us. It could get ugly." I should probably keep Cooper away from me until all of this blew over. Itwouldblow over, I was certain of that. There was no way I was going to let Dagen win. By the time this was done, he’d wish he hadn't even looked my way. He should have dug himself a hole and crawled inside. The way they tried to make me do.

"I just remembered something," Cooper said.

His tone immediately had my attention, and my concern.

"What is it?" I asked. And why did I suddenly have a sense of dread in the pit of my stomach?

"Remember when I said I told my uncle to ask you for help?" When I waved at him to continue, Cooper said, "According to him, he had it under control."

"He was lying," Jake said simply.

Cooper shook his head. "You knew him. He was a terrible liar. He couldn't lie his way out of Swiss cheese."

"He's right," I said. "That was why we were working with him to start with. He was an unscrupulous little worm, but we always knew when he was full of shit."

"That was most of the time," Jake said.

"Exactly." I nodded. "He was never able to hide anything from us. Not for long anyway. So when he said he thought he was in control, he must have meant it. Or thought he did."

"How the fuck though?" Jake asked. "Was he high at the time or—"

"I don't think so," Cooper said, his brow furrowed in thought. "Not that time anyway. He just seemed really sure he was all over it."

"He must've had help from someone." I tapped my fingers on my thigh.

"Dagen?" Jake asked.

"No," Cooper said after a moment. "He was more scared of… I mean just as scared of him as he was of you."

I raised my eyebrows at the suggestion that Dagen could be scarier than me. Rude.
