Page 63 of Ivory

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"Every time," Ben agreed. "Boss." He added after a moment.

"If you disagreed with me, would you say so?" I asked.

"No, boss," he said. A smile tugged at the corners of his mouth. He had ways of letting me know what he was thinking without coming out and saying so. And we both knew it. He'd been working with me long enough.

"What would you do if I asked you to do something you didn't want to do?" I asked.

"I would do it anyway," he said. "Are you planning on doing that?"

"Not planning on it, no. But the night is young." Not really. It was edging eleven p.m. by now. That was early for us though, I supposed.

"I look forward to anything you might ask me to do," he said smoothly, and with more than a little hint of husky desire.

"Are you flirting with me?" I asked. When the light turned green, I put the Cobra into gear and floored it.

Ben jerked back against the seat. "Do you want me to flirt with you?"

"I don't know. I'll have to think about that one. I'll let you know." I wound around a delivery truck and headed toward William Street. That would take us east toward Point Piper. No road in Sydney got you anywhere quickly these days, but this was the fastest way home. On a good day, that was. On a bad day, I wished I took the helicopter home.

"Okay. You know where to find me." I caught a quick flash of his grin in a street light before we headed into heavier traffic.

I glanced up into the rear view mirror. "That black SUV has been following us almost since we left Crimson."

"Yeah. I've been watching it in the side mirror." Ben twisted around to look out the back. "They could be going the same way."

Another SUV, also black, pulled out of a side street right in front of us. It sped up a little, then dropped back so both SUVs were equal distance from us.

"What about that one?" I asked. I wasn't worried. Not yet. Plenty of people drove cars like that, and even more drove erratically. The guy in front of us wouldn't be the first driver to pull out in front of another car and then slow right down.

"Coincidences are like unicorns," Ben said. "They might look good on paper, but they don't actually exist."

"And that's how I know you've been hanging around with me for too long," I said. "You're getting cynical."

"To be fair, I've been cynical for a long time. Growing up around witches will do that to you." He kept glancing back behind us, then ahead again. "I think we need to get off this road."

"I think you're right," I agreed. If the two SUVs were just driven by random Sydneysiders, then we would lose them. If not, then we would know they were there for us.

"Hold on." The SUV in front of us slowed down as the light turned orange, but I swerved and wove around him. We shot through the lights just as it turned red.

With apparently no regard for anyone else in the road, both SUVs followed us. They certainly drove like they were evil.

"Okay. That answers that question." Unfortunately, neither one hit another car on the way through. Worse luck.

"Shit, look out," Ben called out as a third SUV pulled out of the street in front of us.

I managed to break hard enough to avoid running into the back of it, but like the last one it sat right in front of us. One of the others pulled up beside us, leaving the last one to follow.

"I'm a wolf, not a cat, but I know boxes have four sides," I remarked. I peered through the windscreen.

"Up ahead," Ben said. "There are two cars before it."

"I see it," I said. I had two options, let us get boxed in or swerve into oncoming traffic.

I took the third option. I braked hard and swerved into a side street, narrowly missing a white delivery van.

"There’s at least four of them," I reasoned. "We're either going to have to fight, or we're going to have to run."

"Got it, boss," Ben said. How the fuck did he sound so calm? "Let me out here, I'll lead them away. Assholes won't be able to tell one white wolf from another in the dark." Somehow, he had managed to strip off, but leave his seatbelt on. Those were some skills right there. He unclipped his seatbelt now and let it slide back into place.
