Page 64 of Ivory

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"I hope you're right," I said. It wouldn't take them long to realise the wolf they were chasing was bigger than the one they were actually after.

My heart pounded like a drum. I pulled the Cobra up on the side of the road and opened the door beside me.

Ben, already in wolf form, bounded across my lap and shot out the door.

I ducked down. With any luck they would think there was only one of us in the car.

Two of the SUVs wove around the Cobra and followed the white wolf up the street.

The other two stopped behind and in front of the Cobra.

I grabbed up my phone and hit a button on the screen. After a moment or two, Jake's voice came through the speaker.

"Hey." He sounded calm, but he knew this number. Not just that it was me, but that this was one I would only use during an emergency.

"Jake." I tried to keep my voice from wavering. "I need you to do something for me."

He obviously caught the tone in my voice. "El? What's wrong? Where are you?"

"Everything is under control," I lied. "But I need you to do something for me. I need you to call in a favour."

Four forms got out of the SUV in front of me. I looked in the rear view mirror and saw another four.


I quickly told him what I needed him to do.

"Okay, but tell me where you are. What the fuck is going on?" He sounded frantic.

The forms got closer. Not surprisingly, they were all men in black suits. Dagen's men.

I swallowed. "Just… Do what I asked.Please."

"El," he said insistently.

"Jake. I love you." I sucked in a deep breath.

"Elodie, I love you too." He sounded confused.

"Bye," I told him.

"No. Wait. Elodie.Elodie!"My name tore out of his throat like something between a shout and a sob.

I ended the call and tossed the phone onto the floor of the car. I took off my watch and threw it down on top of it.

I flicked off my seatbelt. There wasn't time to strip, or to even give a shit about ruining another set of clothes.

I half closed my eyes and shifted into my magnificent white wolf form. Silk and cotton tore to shreds. Buttons popped loose and went flying. I shook the fabric loose and bounded out of the car.

Dagen's men had already started to strip and shift before I bolted past them and headed in the opposite direction from the way Ben went.

I was smaller than the black wolves, which made me more agile, but they were faster. And there were eight of them.

I ducked between parked cars and looked for somewhere, anywhere I could fit that they couldn't follow. Anything to give me even a minute or two head start on them.

I stuck to the shadows, but being white, I had the distinct disadvantage of standing out, even at night.

In wolf form, the smells of the city were stronger, more pungent. Fumes from cars, rubbish and the stink of black wolf.
