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The soldier hesitated, obviously seeing his chance to bring me to some kind of justice slipping away.


"Did nothing wrong," I insisted. "There is a very great threat to the Vault. To the world. Comus is—"

"She claims he killed a woman," the soldier said. "However, the real evil is her."

Kerina sauntered toward him, stopped and cocked her head. "You don't look like you'd know evil if it bit you on the ass."

"Kerina," Bain warned.

She shrugged and strode away.

"I believe you," Bain told the soldier. "We will take her into our custody. She will be dealt with by the Keeper. He's been looking for an excuse to execute someone for a while now."

I gaped. "You have to believe me. Comus is—"

"Enough," Bain said softly. "You helped to release him, didn't you? I felt a great presence." he frowned. "It's gone now."

"I did, but I… I didn't know…" Shit. What was happening here?

"You helped release evil into the world," Bain said again.

"I was forced to," I insisted. I inhaled the scent of him. I would blast them all off the top of this mountain. I would—

I would do nothing because then I would be everything they accused me of.

I slumped my shoulders. What do you know, I guess the Covener was right about me all along. I was no use to anyone.

"The others were the ones who did wrong," Knox said softly.

I shot him a grateful look. At least he was on my side. Well, him and Comus, whatever that was worth.

Bain shrugged with one shoulder. "It's not for me to decide. We'll return to the Vault and the Keeper can decide."

The soldier looked uncertain, but lowered his hand and stepped back. He eyed the dead soldier and evidently decided he'd prefer to stay alive.

"Knox, you know the way out?" Bain asked.

Knox's lips twitched, but he nodded. "Yes. Sir."

"Latika, walk in front with Knox," Bain ordered.

The woman nodded and fell in beside the spy, her face expressionless.

Kerina gave me a conciliatory smile and moved into place behind me.

Bain stepped beside me, his expression guarded. He smelled of conflict.

I sent him thoughts of having no sympathy for him, whatsoever. If he wanted to treat me like I was a criminal, then so be it. I wouldn't give him a break.

"Let's get off this mountain," he said, his voice tight.

"Good idea," Kerina said, "before the black tigers get hungry again."

"I'm sure Bain will toss me to them before you all run away," I said.

He shot me a look which clearly said he wanted me to be quiet.
