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I wouldn't give him the satisfaction. "You're not denying it," I pointed out.

"I'm not throwing anyone to the tigers," he said, "except maybe those soldiers back there."

I looked at him in surprise.

He responded by giving me a faint smile. "Let's get back to the Vault."

The sooner the better. He had some explaining to do.



"You're alive!"A voice greeted us as we stepped out of the maze of trees and stones that led down from the citadel.

A man with a lyaer on his shoulder held the reins of a horse. Two girls, younger versions of Latika, held the reins of two others.

"Wesley," Bain greeted the man wearily. "All of you should be in Cape Massin by now."

"Aisha. Erin." Latika greeted them in turn. "You had your orders."

I glanced at her, but the woman's gaze was unwavering.

Kerina muttered something about the girls being in big trouble, but didn't elaborate when I gave her a questioning look.

Aisha lifted her chin. "We tried, Mother, but Erin was certain you needed our help."

Erin scowled at her sister, but didn't try to contradict her.

"I should have you both whipped," Latika growled. She sighed and embraced them. "I'm glad to see you."

"We were about to make camp," Wesley said cheerfully.

"It's as good a place as any," Bain replied. "You two, keep watch." He nodded to Aisha and Erin.

I thought they might argue, but they both seemed pleased instead.

"You keep some interesting company," I said to Bain.

He snorted. "You don't know the half of it." He took me by the elbow and led me aside while the others set up the small camp in the centre of a copse.

"Tell me about this Comus."

He listened while I told him everything which had occurred over the last few weeks. I only left out the details of me and Knox pretending to be lovers.

When I finished, he told me of his journey, although I was certain he omitted details here and there as well.

"Lord of the Dead was also called the Lord of Lies," he said once we were both finished speaking. "I thought he was nothing but a story.

"Apparently not. It seems he has some skill in creating illusions, or making people see things which only exist in the backs of their minds."

"Their greatest fears," I said softly.

"Did he show you any?" he asked.

I made a face. "He suggested some interesting things, but no. As far as I know, everything I saw was real."

"You believe him when he says he's coming for you?" His brown eyes locked onto mine.
