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"We can't leave him out there," I insisted.

"Orders are orders," he said simply.

That made me pause. He was right, but Bain didn't command me, not exactly. He might yell at me later, or Dex might. They may send me back to the Council, but I couldn't stand by and do nothing.

I slipped past the guard and back toward the street.

"Hsst, don't be stupid," the guard hissed.

I ignored him.

"I told you to stay put," Bain said when I got closer.

"Fuck that," I replied.

He hadn't taken his eyes off the dragon for a moment. He must have sensed me coming.

Two could play at that game.

I inhaled the scent of his fear, but that was all but overwhelmed by firm resolve and duty. Stupid man. He should run and hide with the rest of them.

I tore my eyes from him and looked to where the dragon flew in a lazy circle overhead.

"Like an animal circling its prey," I whispered.

"Exactly. He's biding his time. Would you get back behind the guards?" Bain spoke as if we were having a friendly conversation, but his tone held an edge of tightness.

"Only if you do," I replied. "You know I can take care of myself."

"I do, you do," he agreed. "Does the whole of the Vault need to?"

"If it means keeping the city safe," I said, but now I was unsure. People had already gone to some effort to see what I could do. What would happen if everyone knew? I might become as big a target as the dragon.

"You have no idea what's at stake, do you?" he asked.

"Why don't you explain it to me?" I said reasonably.

"I can't do that if you're dead," he said.

"You can't ifyou'redead," I pointed out.

"Touché," he said dryly.

"Then let's—"

I was interrupted by a terrified squeal and a shout of frustration. The urgent clatter and thud of hooves and feet was followed by the sight of a horse bolting down the street, its rider in pursuit.

The dragon's wings snapped back and he fell into a steep dive.

"Look out!" For the second time in a few hours, Bain shoved me down onto the road and threw himself over me.

My shoulder hit the tar hard enough to send a jolt of pain right through me. I cried out.

The dragon soared over us, so close I could have reached out a hand to touch his scales.

I drew magic from the scent of him. For a moment, his scales glowed like sand dragon's had in my hand.

The dragon grabbed the horse in his powerful talons. The terrified animal squealed, legs pawing to find the ground.
