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I lost every drop of power when the dragon shook his enormous head, shaking the horse so hard its neck broke.

The sound echoed like a crack of thunder.

"Oh shit." I bit back a sob and lifted my head to watch the dragon fly off, the poor horse hanging like a sack of potatoes, saddle and all. "Poor thing."

"Are you all right?" Bain rolled off me and pulled me to my feet in one smooth motion. "You're bleeding."

I touched my cheek lightly. I must have hit a rock or something sharp when Bain pushed me down. "It's nothing," I said absently. "I guess the dragon was hungry." My stomach turned at the idea of the horse being a snack.

"Better the horse than us," Bain said. He didn't look as though he believed it. "We're going to need to find out why he came here at all. Dragons usually avoid cities and people."

"He must be desperate if he did then," I concluded.

"Very desperate," Bain agreed. "I should get you back to the residence before you do something rash."

"Funny," I gave him a wan smile, "I was going to say the same to you."

He smiled faintly. "If you ever risk yourself like that again…"

"You'll what?" I asked.

He shook his head. "I don't know, but I don't think you'll like it." He turned on his heel and headed toward his men.

"Promises, promises," I muttered and followed along.



"A dragon?"Calista looked astonished. "This far north?"

"Yeah. A hungry one too apparently," I said. I winced as Zophia touched my cheek lightly with a warm, damp cloth. "He took a horse for a snack."

"It was probably an entire meal or two," Calista said distractedly.

"Well that makes me feel better," I muttered. At least it hadn't snatched me or Bain. What was he planning to do with a knife anyway? Surely his shifter form would be a better weapon. Unless he shifted into a cute female dragon. I had no idea what his animal form was, but my money was on a lion or tiger. Something big and fierce, but graceful and beautiful.

Zophia grinned.

When I looked questioningly at her, she said, "I'm sorry, but it does mean the dragon won't be back for a day or two."

"I guess that's a good thing," I said. The horse wouldn't be feeling any pain either, so there was that.

"Yes it is, now keep still while I clean this up." Zophia dabbed at me again. "Bain should learn to be gentler."

"I'm sure the next time he has to push me out of harm's way, he'll keep that in mind," I remarked. His protectiveness was nice and all, but one day he had to learn I really could take care of myself. And him as well if need be.

"You certainly have had an eventful day," Calista remarked. "Knife attack, temple visit, dragon attack."

"I hope to have a more boring life in the future," I said. "That was more than enough excitement for one day."

"You'll turn Bain's hair grey," Dex remarked. He stepped into view and leaned against the doorframe, arms across his chest.

"I'm reasonably certain that's your job, nephew," Calista said affectionately.

Dex chuckled. "I think you might be right there." He looked toward me and cocked his head. "Are you all right?"

"I'm fine," I replied. I assumed Bain filled him in. Had he told the Keeper every detail? Judging by Dex's expression, he had. Then he knew about Urla and what she said about the Council.
