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Kerina looked as though it was the last thing she wanted to do, but gave me a questioning gesture with one hand.

"No. Thank you," I replied. "I want to hear what Urla has to say." Besides, Bain was butt naked and I didn't want to miss the opportunity to admire his chiseled body and impressive dick.

Apparently that was the right answer, Kerina gave me an approving nod and stepped back from the door. "I'll have someone remove the traitors." She waved to two of her companions, who hurried forward to drag Lewis and Gordon's bodies out of the cell.

Another guard handed Bain a shirt, which he shrugged into. It fell half way down his thighs. Damn, there went my ogling. At least I won the bet I made with myself. He was a wolf shifter. I made myself a side bet that Dex and Calista were too. Judging by her hair and response to the bodies, Kerina was a fox.

Bain knelt beside the bed and pulled Urla out before he deposited her on what looked like a lumpy mattress.

"Why would those two want you dead?" Dex asked.

Urla shrugged with one shoulder. "To keep me from talking. They shouldn't have bothered, I have nothing to say." She turned her face toward the wall.

"That's unfortunate," Dex said. "Bain here loves to encourage prisoners to open up to him. Isn't that right, Bain?"

"It is amongst my favourite pastimes, yes," Bain said, his expression deadpan. "I also have no qualms about throwing uncooperative prisoners to the sand dragons."

Urla's eyes widened, but she seemed disbelieving.

"He really enjoys that," Kerina said, a hand on her hip. "So do I. There's nothing I love more than hearing people scream as they get torn apart."

Urla paled

I glanced at Kerina. Was she really like that or was she putting on a show for Urla's benefit?

"He collects the scales from the sand dragons," Dex remarked.

They were all enjoying this far too much.

"I'm sure they would prefer you don't die," I said, not sure at all. "What you said about the Covener and his family, is it true?"

Urla curled her lip at me. "What do you think?"

I regarded her for a long moment. "I think you're sure the Keeper will have you killed if you say nothing, and that you'll take your secrets with you. I also think they'll keep you alive for longer than you'd like them to."

"Yes, we will," Dex agreed. "No one else will be allowed in here." He stepped closer to her and spoke in a surprisingly menacing voice. "No one is coming to save you. However, if you tell us everything, we might even let you go."

"If I tell you everything, you'll kill me, because you'll have no need of me," Urla said. She moved her shoulders in a way that suggested her restraints were tight and becoming uncomfortable. "And if you don't, they will." Her gaze flicked toward the blood on the stone floor.

"We could protect you," Dex said.

Urla gave him a flat look of absolute disbelief. "Why would you?"

Dex tilted his head. "You make good shoes."

Urla blinked in surprise. "I make the best, but…"

"Well then." Dex stood up straight and smiled. "Answer Viva's question."

"Loosen my restraints," Urla said, soft but insistent.

Bain glanced toward Dex, who nodded.

"I assume you know by now what Viva can do," Dex said with a quirk of his lips.

Urla gave me a sullen look but nodded.

For her part, Kerina seemed unsurprised. Perhaps Bain told her about me, and perhaps she understood Lewis' death had something to do with power. At any rate, she leaned against the door looking almost bored.
