Page 29 of Firebird

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To my relief, my father kept his mouth shut. He understood. We would hold the secret until we knew what Queenspell truly wanted from us.

What if Luella backed out of the wedding if she knew that I was in no danger from her fire? Perhaps she also held comfort in her capacity to defend herself. The thought had come unbidden. Then, suddenly, I wondered how fair I was being to her by keeping something so crucial from her.

“Would the princess want to stay in a marriage of convenience if she knew that her problems are gone?” My father understood me exactly.

Queen Soraya looked like she had not considered that possibility.

“She would want to live a normal life,” was all that she said.

“Let us say she is no longer dangerous, and there is no doubt. Would she still accept a marriage proposal from my son?” My father could be quite persistent.

“While I do not have the answers to these hypothetical questions, I know my daughter thinks your son is a nice young man.”

My father smiled, but I mulled that statement over. Me? A nice young man? Mm. She was probably just appeasing her mother.

“Perhaps she will think that I am better than just a nice young man if I go and check on her on the fields,” I said, excusing myself from the group.

The Queenspell royals smiled at me brightly, thinking perhaps I could perform miracles and make their daughter fall in love with me.

“Will you want your men to accompany you?” my father asked.

Our men had settled in the servants’ quarters by the back of the castle. I was pleased that they had large structures to house the servants comfortably. We did the same thing in Prozeus.

“Prince Metheus,” Soraya said. “They are not in their usual place. You may want to bring Phillip, our squire, with you.”

I nodded. So, they had moved on to a different field. Was Luella planning on replacing me as the chief farmer?

I let Phillip take the lead. The young boy looked eager to please, even giving me a grand tour by talking about the plants that we passed by. Some of them were familiar, but others were strange. I wondered if I could get some specimens to bring home to Arrowspear.

Soon, we heard laughter. I saw a young woman digging haphazardly with a spade. I wondered if she thought that it would work out that way? I would have not recognized her if not for her fiery hair. She had opted to don a plain grey dress that day, probably wise. I felt that Razuku was too close to her for my comfort. They seemed too cozy. What was all this? Was there a change in the arrangement? Was that not my bride?

Luella’s back was to me. However, she saw how Razuku’s and Eli’s eyes had turned behind her back, towards me.

She wheeled around to face me. I did not know what exactly I was expecting. Alright, I thought she would glare at me or even shoo me away, but she smiled.

“You’re here! Come,” she beckoned, and I obeyed.

Upon closer inspection, there was mud on her face and spots on her clothes. For once, she did not care. Or, was I assuming that I knew her well?

“Yes,” I simply said.

“I thought you were not coming back,” she whispered.

It seemed that my delay had softened her a little.

“We thought that the arrangement had been cut off because of the rain.”

“It was a mere drizzle,” she said hurriedly.

It made me wonder if that was the only reason the wedding would still happen. At that moment, though, I would like to say that it was the soil that summoned me, and I willingly placed my hands over them. I was no longer as careful because I felt her eyes on me. Was she studying me? Had she finally guessed what I was?


“She likes you,” Razuku said when we were back on the castle grounds. We were getting ready to part since I would be staying in the main castle while he would stay with the rest in the servants’ quarters.

“Are you simply saying that to cover up the fact you were flirting with the princess?” I asked drily.

“Are you jealous?” my friend asked, hooting with laughter. He was the only peasant who could get away with that with his prince. I shook my head in annoyance.
