Page 37 of Firebird

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Francilia started off with a gentle trot, but I was getting impatient. I applied more leg pressure on my horse to get her to go at full speed. Francilia had no choice but to follow.

Soon, we found Metheus. He was on Duke Lionel’s property. My breath hitched when I saw my new husband. He was tilling the field, sweat dripping down his muscular back.

“Your handsome is so husband – I mean, y-your husband is so handsome,” stammered Francilia.

“Do you want him?” I asked, a little too sharply. I reminded myself that I was supposed to have fallen in love with Metheus. Or maybe close to it. So, I dismounted my horse and gently tapped Sullie, my mare, to reassure her that I would be back.

I saw that a certain curvaceous brunette was on her way to my husband. So, I called, “Metheus!”

He turned around, a confused look on his face. He did not expect me to come. I grinned at him, all teeth and painful cheeks, the picture of a new wife. Of course, new wives usually lounged in bed with their husbands the morning after the wedding night – from what I had heard – and not traipse about in muddy fields.

Wait, muddy fields.

That did not sound right to me.

Muddy fields meant that there was more than enough water. This field had been drier than a desert not too long ago. Days ago. Two days. Yesterday. Frankly, I did not know, but it sure should not look like this right now.

Metheus sauntered towards me, all glistening golden honey skin and rippling muscles. I thought I was going insane if I had started describing him like that. I needed a good hard slap. But then again, it could work out well with what I was planning to do.

“Luella. Why are you here? I thought you were mad at me.”

“I am. I am supposed to be mad at you, but I have a new plan,” I whispered.

“Well, speak louder if you want me in the plan,” he said.

“You heard me well enough,” I continued in a raspy whisper.

“Okay, I am listening. Very closely,” he shrugged.

“I told Francilia we made love last night, in not so many words,” I confessed, suddenly nervous at his widening eyes.

“Why would you say that, Luella? They would have expectations. Children,” he hissed.

“But is it not that what we are selling? That image of wedded bliss?”

“To other people. Not to someone close, like Francilia. Who, I believe, will say something to someone else close to you.”

Of course, I knew that. It was why I chose to tell her in the first place. We needed to make this marriage fascinating.

“Your mother will start hoping for grandchildren. She will think that you have been healed. Do you want to take the lie further?”

“Metheus, let us make this a little more interesting for everyone. For ourselves. I do not want you walking around looking grumpy all the time,” I explained, hopefully in a soothing enough voice.

“So, it is for that? Image? Reputation?” I could swear his nose crinkled in disgust. My blood ran cold. Did he hear about the rumors? Only people close enough to the family had been whispering in its secret. Passing it on. I would love to know who had been maligning my name. I deserved part of it, of course, but it had been a whole decade, and I had been nothing else but an obedient maiden.

“It is not that! I know it is not a love match. You had reminded me so kindly enough this morning.”

I saw his face soften. His eyes had taken an apologetic look. He was about to speak, but I stopped him with my pleading hand.

“Have you ever thought of trying to make something out of it? Something pleasant,” I said, ashamed of how my voice had taken a begging tone. I did not have to ask for anything in my life. Everything had been given to me.

“How?” he asked, but his voice was gentler. He seemed genuinely interested in what I had to say.

“I know we are here for one more week so that you can prepare the land. I see you have made strides in a short period, and I intend to know how you are doing it.”

“I will explain the methods to you if you want,” he started, but I did not know if he was going to give me the truth.

“I do not know your methods, but I feel like you can do something to make our marriage work as it is supposed to.”
