Page 42 of Firebird

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“You are looking at Prozeus, our kingdom. You are now part of it, as the future king’s wife,” the young girl said proudly. “It is the northernmost tip. After my brother was born, it is said that the plants started blooming. It was as dry as most of Arrowspear, almost entirely a desert. However, something changed.”

I perked up at what she was saying. I knew I had heard something like this before, but I was not truly paying attention.

“Do you think it has anything to do with magic? Spells?” I really wanted to know.

“I don’t know, Luella. I am just a girl. They do not tell me many things,” she pouted.

I patted her back, and we stared at the continent as the ship continued its last approach. For six months, I would be living here in Arrowspear with my husband. It was probably the best way to know him better, on his own turf.

Francilia joined us. She had a big grin on her face.

“I may be a spinster, Your Highness, but I am a spinster going on adventures.”

We giggled like two girls a decade younger.


The palace was not as exotic as I would expect. The structure was not that different from some of the royal castles in Mogochislenia. However, it was called a palace for a reason. There were no moats or high walls. It was open. I shuddered at the thought of living in such a palace during times of war in Queenspell. I had not really lived through one, but there had been threats, especially when my brother Samuel was new to this throne in Shadowcreek.

There was something so self-assured about having a grand structure without walls. It revealed a feeling of invincibility. In the middle of the courtyard was a fountain. There were palm trees lined up on either side of the courtyard. The grass was well-manicured, not browning in dryness as I expected.

I let the king and the princess walk ahead, followed by two servants who carried the luggage. My trunk was the heaviest because I did not have anything waiting for me in Prozeus. It was not home; at least, it did not feel like it yet.

Even Francilia went ahead, seeing how I was shuffling my feet. I was waiting for Metheus. When he caught up to us, however, he walked past me. My husband strode ahead of me as if he did not want me to catch up. However, perhaps because of guilt, he stopped. He did not turn, but I knew he was waiting for me.

I caught up to him.

“Why are you not talking to me, Metheus?”

“I am just tired,” he lied, his jaw clenched.

“Are you? Would you like me to rub your forehead? Your back?” I asked, eager to please.

“No. You do not have to do that,” he murmured as we continued to walk side by side.

I finally fell silent. What was I doing forcing myself on someone uninterested in me? I willed myself to focus on why I was here. I was a bargaining pawn. In Mogochislenia, Metheus’ men worked in the fields. I reminded myself to be grateful for what they were doing for my continent.

Still, my eyes darted to my new husband’s face at times. I was fascinated with his silence - his quiet determination. Men often talked so much before me, regaling me with properties and gold. After the incident with Thomas, they shrank away. Some would still snidely say that they would have taken me to bed if not for their fear of being burned.

Metheus was not afraid of me. He was annoyed. He was disappointed. Yet, he would not make time to lecture me with his thoughts. He kept them inside.

“Would you want to have a look around after the midday meal?” he asked, surprising me with his question.

“I thought you did not want to speak with me,” I reminded him.

He sighed. I wished I could read his mind.

“No. It was not fair to you, leaving you like when you had just shared a terrible memory. I should have stayed with you. I apologize.”

He still did not look at me, but I felt the sincerity in his words. It must have taken so much out of him, admitting that. From the first time I met him, I knew that my husband was proud.

“I am accepting it,” I said, still on edge. I wanted to link my arms with him, and feel his warmth and strength. However, another side of me reminded me of the look he gave me earlier on the ship. He judged my passions when I had not even asked him about who Cora was to him.


Later that day, he took me on a camel ride. I was delighted because it was my first time riding on such an animal. I was also surprised that he took me on the same one.

At first, I rigidly sat on the animal. My back was inches from Metheus’ chest, trying to avoid any contact. I knew what he thought of me, and I did not want to put fuel to that fire.
