Page 48 of Firebird

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She was right. We reached the Coven’s palace in no time. However, I was surprised by the large structure. It might not have been a palace, being much smaller, but it had the same grandeur.

What was I expecting? I anticipated something like the Seer’s Village or how my mother described the Hole. The Prozeus coven’s home felt more like it belonged to a minor royalty in Mogochislenia.

Observing my gaping mouth, Rowali commented, “You did not expect it to look that, didn’t you?”

“No,” I admitted in awe.

All the women went down the wagon while Clem remained on the donkey. The house had no gate. So, we simply went into the courtyard. As soon as we stepped in, the door opened. A bevy of women of various ages and complexions scurried to the doorway.

“Good day,” they said in unison, surprising us. I covered my mouth to control my giggle, but Rowali openly laughed.

“Good day,” the young girl greeted back.

“What brings you here, your highness?” asked the woman with white hair and deeply bronzed skin.

“My brother’s wife, Princess Luella, wants to meet you. She is a witch herself.”

“Oh, welcome to The Coven House, Your Highness. My name is Sora, the head witch. Let us go inside,” she offered, making a sweeping gesture.

We were ushered to upholstered seats. In the middle was a bare but intricately carved oak table.

“So, Princess Luella, you wish to meet us. Do you have a particular reason” asked Sora kindly. She looked like she could be in her fifties, but I was uncertain. You could not be sure with some groups of witches.

“Yes. I want to meet people of my kind. I am a fire witch.”

One of the younger witches gasped.

“Oh, I am sorry, Your Highness,” she apologized. “My name is Lucia. I know there are not a lot of fire witches left. It is amazing to find one right here in Arrowspear, where we do not lack for heat. However, fire is still a massive power wherever you go. It can only be controlled by one other power.”

“What is that?” I asked, curious.

“A fire stealer. A fire stealer can take away your power. However, a skilled one can only take little at a time so that you do not fall ill or die.”

I felt a chill at her words. Would I meet one here in Arrowspear? I had never heard of anything like it in Mogochislenia.

“Yea, there are fire stealers here in the continent,” the head witch confirmed as if reading my thoughts. “But there are few and far between. We need more of them here because they could take away the heat from the arid land.”

Suddenly, a suspicion began to form in my head. Could it be? No. It was not possible.

“Could a fire witch burn a fire stealer?”

Lucia chuckled.

“No, Your Highness. It will take a fire witch a lot of power to burn a fire stealer. The fire stealer will just take and take.”

“Can a fire stealer unknowingly kill a fire witch by taking so much?”

“No. He must mean it,” Sora said with a kind smile. “Are you feeling threatened by one? Do you know a fire stealer?”

I gulped. I might know someone. Might. I could not just accuse my husband of being one, not that it was anything to be ashamed of. I was more worried about what it meant for our marriage. If he had known that he could take my fire from the very start, why did he not tell me? Why did he keep on refusing me?

“No. I am not threatened by one, but it would be good to know how I can handle one or what to expect.”

“That is wise, Your Highness.”

“I am also here about a drought in Mogochislenia. It is not just a drought in the land but also a drought in power. All of the other witches had found themselves drained of their magic. I am the only one left with powers, well, along with the herb witches who had to create potions.”

“I have heard that said, Luella. Metheus was excited about being able to help Mogochislenia with the drought, at least with the land.”
