Page 49 of Firebird

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The witches looked at each other, silently conveying their thoughts to each other.

“Ninurta,” rasped one of the oldest witches. She looked about eighty – or more.

One of the other witches rubbed her back comfortingly, but the witch seemed agitated. The younger one held her arm and eased her up off her chair. Then, they left the room.

“What was that all about?” Rowali asked in a loud voice. I gently placed my hand on her arm to hush her. She immediately clamped her mouth shut.

“That is Vindra. She had experience with the Ninurta decades ago. He gobbles powers. Vindra had become one of his victims all those years ago. She has not recovered from the encounter entirely. She was a spirit witch. Some of her ancestors were from Mogochislenia.”

“Does the Ninurta have anything against Mogochislenians?”

“He is just a greedy god,” Lucia murmured. “Your continent has more elementals. For a time, Erishkigal held guard over the Above and Beyond.”

“You know about that?” I gasped.

“Yes. Her descent into her death was felt across the sea. The Ninurta must have felt it and knew that he could come for your powers.”

“Then why is mine still intact?”

They stared at me. Gaped. One young witch chewed her lip, but her gaze stayed on my face.

“It is simple!” Rowali finally exclaimed, breaking the awkward silence. “He needs someone to be blamed for the drought. Who else could the Mogochislenians point fingers at but a fire witch? The only one left in both continents.”

The coven witches staring at me were now scrutinizing the young girl with me.

‘She is certainly a smart one, isn’t she?” Francilia said, nodding vigorously.

“Yes, she is,” agreed Fuza, the nurse, who was beaming with pride.

“That makes sense, child,” Sora said to Rowali. “Nevertheless, be careful, Your Highness. The Ninurta will want more. He is a greedy god.”

“What else would he get from me? From my family?”

“It may be expecting to take more. The Ninurta can take the guise of a regular person. You will not know him until he comes for you.”

“Can he pretend to be a royal? A peasant?” I was panicking inside now.

“The Ninurta can take any form, Your Highness,” Sora replied, almost apologetically. “He could have already insinuated himself into your life.”

I was not good at praying, but at that moment, I started praying to all the gods and goddesses. I prayed that the Ninurta had not taken the form of someone who was starting to become dear to me. My husband.

When we left the Coven House, a droplet from a large tree fell on my shoulder. Was that a sign? On my cheeks, there was also wetness there. I did not realize that a tear had fallen as I fervently prayed in my head.

Rowali looked at me strangely. She held my hand in the way her brother did. It was gentle, and there was a squeeze.
