Page 88 of Firebird

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Chapter 35 - Gardening


I was the middle child, the one who was supposed to be gracious and feminine. My older brother Samuel was rough and angry until he found the love of his life. My younger sister Carolina was wild and boyish until we lost her in time - to love.

Since they left Queenspell, I became the domain’s hostess whenever my mother was occupied with more important things. After all, I was the child nobody wanted to marry, but I was also the one people loved to gawk at. I was a freak of nature. A beautiful freak of nature, I would usually comfort myself.

After all the hate was gone, shifters were more acceptable in society. They were ushered into inner circles as soon as everybody else realized that there were good and bad shifters, just like with regular people. Both Samuel and Carolina were shifters, of a kind.

Well, I was a shifter, too.

For a while, Carolina thought I was blessed. She had to learn everything that she could do, while my power was innate. A curse. I did not have to make an effort. I did not have to read books. I just set things on fire since I was young. Samuel used to hate how I could create fire at an early age while he still strained with every shift he had to make. I cringed at the thought of his bones breaking and realigning every time he turned into a wolf. Carolina’s power came a little late, but it separated her from me. From all of us. Oh, gods and goddesses, I missed her.

Whenever I called on a deity, my thoughts returned to Metheus. He was, after all, who reminded me to pray.

Was not my first real prayer answered? There were no words, but only a wish. I had found him. Now, I wondered if I was close to losing him.

But, I had been rambling. Where was I?

I was a hostess, and I played one with Ari.

I wanted to know what his game was. What was he there for? I knew he could not have been there for anything good. I did not trust him, but I needed to get some information.

So, we strolled in the courtyard, the judging gazes of some of the courtiers upon us. After all, what was a married queen doing with this foreigner when her husband had just suffered a big blow in another continent?

Ari seemed to be eating it all up, all wide green and flashing eyes. However, I had to nudge myself a little. I did not know this man, and could not trust anything – even his apparent glee.

“When are you returning to Arrowspear?”

“Why? Do you want me back there?” I asked, balancing haughtiness and coquettishness perfectly. It was who I was before Metheus. I could only tease but never marry – never really court. With word that my marriage was consummated, Ari might seem like he was trying to seduce me. That was if his intentions were ordinary, and if he really believed he would not burn. There must be something else other than hate, as there must be something else other than lust.

How could he hate someone like Metheus? My husband was kind and industrious, giving and -. I stopped myself because it was making me cry, knowing that I had an endless list of wonderful things to say and think about him. I could think of many things I should have said before all of these had gone down.

“I do not mind seeing you anywhere, Your Majesty,” Ari smoothly said.

By the way he said that, I missed Metheus’ gruffness and awkwardness even more. I had no patience for this vain man, although I was aware of my own vanity. However, I was trying to find out as much as I could. So, I stilled myself and held on to the hand that could slap any time.

“So, are you telling me that you are only here because of me?” I asked, hoping it sounded more flirtatious than suspicious. I had to grit my teeth to control all the things I wanted to say to this man.

Ari was a handsome man, I hated to admit. He had a head of brown hair, wavy and even curled in some parts. It was longer than how I remembered it. He was a tall man, but slender. His was the physique of a man who never knew the fields, who chose to stay within the walls of his palace.

Even a long time ago, entitled princes were never my thing. Even my brother had never been like that. My father, though descended from a noble family, had experienced working in the stables for years because of an injustice. I had no patience for spoiled men. Men spoiled me.

“You can say that,” he grinned. “However, as I told you, your husband would have wanted me here.”

“Would have wanted? Do you think that he would have told you if he wanted you to be here? Do you think I am not getting any messages from my husband?”

“Your Majesty, you and I both know that communication has ceased for a little while between the two continents because of what happened. I would not be surprised if your husband is preoccupied with the affairs of the state. And you know him, he was not the sort who would just say anything.”

It was true that Metheus was the quiet sort. However, surely Ari did not believe that there were no other means of communication between the two continents? Surely he was aware that there were witches and more? Was he trying to make me believe that he was too innocent to know of such things?

Arrowspear was more open to different races and species. Everyone should be aware of the various beings that populate it. Ari must really think I was a fool, or he was one himself.

“Any communication?” I asked.

I could not help it. I was starting to lose any semblance of politeness. With princes and other royals, my usual way of flirting was adding in a little sarcasm, knowing full well that nothing would come out of the courtship.

Ari looked like a whole bucket of water was thrown at him. He seemed to have woken up, realizing who I was. I was not one of the ladies that he used his silver tongue on. I felt heat emanating from my body, not from lust but anger. I wondered if he could see it. Feel it.
