Page 89 of Firebird

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“Y-your Majesty, I simply wanted to be of service. I admit he never asked me to come, but he would never do that. He would never ask, I mean. I want to help.”

“Are you two even close friends?” I could not handle pretending for too long. Even the physical distance between us widened, as he visibly backed off.

Two unmarried people should not stand too close together, anyway. We had several inches between us. I had created a bigger gap, and then he made it even bigger. I was careful to stay within sight of the guards and other courtiers. It was one thing for tongues to wag but to give them a real reason to do so was another.

“Your Majesty, I feel like I have offended you. Yes, we are friends. However, he prefers the company of his Rama friends,” he said, his nose wiggling in such a way that made me suspect he was trying to disguise a look of disgust.

“No, it is fine,” I lied. “However, you need to be more open to your friends. You are welcome here, I suppose, but people will want to know why you are here.”

“You are right. I am just a concerned friend. You do not know who Metheus is, not really, but I am here to help the two of you bridge that gap.”

I frowned and crossed my arms in front of me. Razuku, Eli, and Cora were living right there on the premises, but this man was telling me that I needed him to know more about my husband. I needed to send word to Metheus that his supposed friend was here.

“I can tell from your silence that you are not convinced. In time, you will see that I mean well.”

We returned to the castle in silence. He still had a smile on his face. However, I knew that he was now wary. He knew that I did not trust him. I did not know if that was a good thing or not. I had never been made to think beyond how to annoy my suitors, act prim and proper, and find the best cloth for my dresses.

I could do this. I could be more than who they thought I was. The problem was I was not sure what I should be – a woman pretending to be enamored by Ari’s lies or a woman who openly opposed him.

“Your Majesty!” Francilia interrupted my thoughts while I was about to go up the stairs.

“Yes, Francilia?”

“Why were you walking with that man, unattended?”

“Everyone could see where we were. We never went hidden, not for a moment.”

“B-but what would His Majesty King Metheus say about this?”

“What would he say about it? Should I not be the one to worry about that, Francilia? I love him!”

My lady-in-waiting was struck dumb, her fingers finding her lips as if she was wondering if she should say anything. In her eyes, I could see not anger but pleasure, it seemed. She looked pleased. Oh, Francilia.

“W-why do you look like that?”

“How, Your Majesty?”

“As if – as if you are surprised and pleased at the same time. Did I not tell you that I love Metheus before?”

“Yes, you did, Your Majesty. At that time, I thought you were convincing yourself. Now, I see it in your eyes. You love him. You really do.”

Oh, well. So, I was doomed. If Metheus did not love me back -. I did not want to think of the possibility. He would probably kill me with his kindness, assuring me it was alright and that he would be there for me. But I wanted him to tell me he loved me.

“Were you trying to find out something from that man? For King Metheus?” Francilia asked.

“Yes, yes. I was.”

“Well, it did not look like it was successful. I saw the dejected look on his face and the anger on yours. If you do not mind, Your Majesty, I will stay with you in your chambers while you are not with your husband. I will take a cot or a mattress just so I can protect your honor. Let Rowali in on it. You can never be too careful. You are no longer just protecting your name, but also your husband’s and your love for him.”

I would normally not let Francilia talk to me this way, but she was right.

“Alright, Francilia. I know you are right,” I sighed.

“You cannot trust that man, Your Majesty. I apologize for being too forward with my thoughts. I can help you find out more if you like. I am a spinster with nothing to lose. I will attempt to appeal to his vanity.”

“Thank you, Francilia.”

“King Metheus is more than just a handsome man, I could tell. He -,” she smiled, but I knew that we agreed on everything.
