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“That was far from a romantic argument, wasn’t it?” Ashford asked with a wry smile. “I’m usually most eloquent, but here I am making a muck of this.” He sat beside her on the bench and grasped the hand that Vicky had left idly lying beside her.

“The thing is, my dear lady, I find you most intriguing. I rather think you have stolen my heart.”

“But what about Rosabel?”

“Your sister? What about her?”

“Didn’t she steal your heart?”

He stared at her blankly for a moment, as though not comprehending her words before his face suddenly cleared, and a wide smile split his face.

“Is that what happened this Season? You thought I was still holding a flame for your sister?”

“You would always ask me about her every time I encountered you.” Even Vicky could hear the defensiveness in her voice, but she felt justified in her feelings.

Ashford laughed but it wasn’t in a mocking way; it was as though joy were bubbling out of him.

“I had wondered why you seemed so unfriendly towards me. Lady Crossley felt that your animosity was too single-minded to be legitimate. I didn’t dare to believe her. My dear girl, I can assure you, while I think your sister is lovely, she never generated comparable feelings within me as you do.”

Vicky stared at him, hope suddenly bubbling up in her chest, but she couldn’t quite believe that it was true. She needed more words. “What feelings might those be—” she hesitated before adding “—Ashford?”

“Very warm feelings, Vigilia. Feelings of love and devotion and a desire to travel the world together. I want to show you all the places you’ve ever wanted to see. I want to hear your thoughts on all my businesses. I want to share them with you and enjoy all that life might hold for us.”

The tears that had been threatening finally spilled out, but they were no longer moved by embarrassment or a sense of rejection. Vicky’s heart was trying to beat out of her chest.

“That sounds quite lovely,” she managed to say around the tears. Ashford found her words to be most amusing.

“That’s the most lukewarm response I could imagine, my dear girl.”

“What had you been expecting? You didn’t even ask me a question.”

“Very well, my dear Lady Vigilia, might I ask if you would please consider allowing our betrothal to stand? I know it was the least orthodox proposal ever and I didn’t even, in fact, ask you to marry me, which was quite remiss of me, but I would be very much honoured if you would please remain my affianced bride.”

Vicky’s heart was too full for her to be able to respond, she merely nodded a second before he pulled her into his arms.

The first time had been far too brief, but she had felt safe in his arms even then. Now, added in was the knowledge that he wished to keep her, and she was nearly bursting with joy.

“The thing is, though, I’m afraid, just as you wanted me to explain myself, I would greatly appreciate it if you would do the same.”

Vicky’s cheek was resting against his chest, and she was warmed by the steady beat of his heart. “What would you like me to tell you?”

“Why you have been acting as though I were beneath your notice, might be a good place to start,” he said with a small laugh.

“Oh, no, Ashford, I never—” She tried to pull out of his arms, he tightened them instead.

“Hush, my dear, you stay right where you are. But yes, you very much did. Start explaining, please.”

First, Vicky gurgled with nervous laughter but then she finally forced the words to start flowing. “You see, I spent the year and a half at home with my family thinking about you. You had seemed so kind and wise and competent and handsome when last I saw you. I couldn’t understand why Bel hadn’t chosen you. I was eager to see you again when I arrived in London. But then the first thing you did when we met was ask about Bel. And then every time after that. I began to dread seeing you. I couldn’t bear to match with someone who longed for my sister. But no one else held any appeal, either. It was most dreadful.”

“I’m terribly sorry, Vicky. My oratory skills certainly fail me when you are near.”

“Why do you suppose that is?”

“It could only be love,” he proclaimed as his head lowered to claim her lips in a kiss that would seal their future.
